

一生孤注掷温柔 浏览量:62023-05-09 01:12:38

英文书法诗范文 第一篇Although we meet at school every day and study together, we know little about what our classmates do in their spare time. In order to let us know eac...

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英文书法诗范文 第一篇

Although we meet at school every day and study together, we know little about what our classmates do in their spare time. In order to let us know each other better, our class held a special exhibition about our hobbies on May 1. We named this exhibition "spring".

Everyone in our class is very interested in the exhibition. We bring what we make or collect to school. There are many paintings, such as watercolor, Chinese painting and sketch.

Some of them are well done. The people in the paintings look like they really have calligraphy works. ③ and stamps.

The beautiful stamps that attract our attention come from the United States, Britain, Canada, Egypt and many other countries. The handicrafts on display are very exquisite. 5) we are all attracted by some ancient Chinese small arms, such as swords and broadswords.

6. Two of them, like the big knives used by Zhang Fei and Guan Yu of the Three Kingdoms, are made of thick iron wire. Every visitor praises them.

Through the performance, we know the strengths of others, especially we see some new and wonderful things We all hope to hold another exhibition in the near future$ ndiw:k ]n. (5) the exquisite [ekskwizit] A. 6 broadsword [br: DS & D] n.

The tour class held a special exhibition supporting many calligraphy works, including stampsuk, the United States and the United Kingdom.



有很多画,如水彩画、国画和素描①,其中有些画做得很好画中的人看起来像真的有书法作品③和邮票,吸引我们注意的美丽邮票来自美国、英国、加拿大、埃及和许多其他国家。展出的手工制品非常精美⑤我们都被一些中国古代的小武器吸引,例如剑,大刀⑥其中两把,就像三国大将张飞、关羽所用的大刀一样,都是用粗铁丝做成的,每一位参观者都称赞他们,通过表演,我们知道了别人的长处,特别是我们看到了一些新的、精彩的东西,我们都希望在不久的将来能举办另一场展览①素描[sketM]n.②干得好[weld]n]a.③书法[penm nMip]n.④手工[h$ndiw:k]n.⑤精美的[ekskwizit]a.⑥大刀[br&:ds&:d]n.巡回演出班举办了一个特别的展览,支持许多书法作品还有斯坦普苏克,美国,英国。

英文书法诗范文 第二篇

Calligraphy is our country has a long history and the most extensive mass base of art, it with unique lines and the rules for writing Chinese characters,

showing colorful brushwork, composition and handwriting, reflect peoples temperament, interest and aesthetic ideal.

Is our ancestors in the long term practice constantly beautify writing form, carries on the artistic creation, have extremely exalted position in the traditional culture,

by the Chinese peoples universal love, also is cannot replace by other art forms the unique traditional Chinese art.



英文书法诗范文 第三篇






这样我勤学苦练书法整整一年,终于有了结果。 I love the art of calligraphy, Chinese calligraphy has a long history, is one of the treasures of our country. The pen calligraphy strong bold brush calligraphy elegant, beautiful. But I like most is the pen calligraphy. 我为什么喜欢写钢笔字呢?那是因为我们家祖祖辈辈都没有一个人能写好钢笔字。

爸爸为了改变这个事实,就叫我学钢笔字,这样,我与书法便结下了不解之缘。 Why I like writing pen? It is because our family for generations do not have a person to write the word pen. Father in order to change this fact, called me to learn the word pen, so, I and calligraphy has the indissoluble bound. 刚开始练书法的时候,我怎么也学不好,也没有耐心去学。



这样我勤学苦练书法整整一年,终于有了结果。 When just started practicing calligraphy, I also learn how not to be good, also do not have the patience to learn. Remember once, I asked my calligraphy teacher: "teacher, I learn calligraphy has been half a year, why are not learn English well?" The teacher smiled express volumes to me said: "learn calligraphy must first have the confidence, the second to be determined, finally also must have patience. No matter what you do, must have a 'three hearts', in order to do a good job." I listen to the words of the teacher, feel very reasonable, so under the relentless effort to practice calligraphy. Gradually, I became interested in calligraphy, improving more and more. So I practice handwriting for a whole year, finally results.双语对照翻译不正确取消。

英文书法诗范文 第四篇

Lushan (Simplified Chinese: Traditional Chinese: Pinyin: l ú sh ā n, also known as Lushan) is a mountain of the people's Republic of China. It is located in the south of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, near Poyang Lake. Its highest point is the Great Han Yang peak, km above sea level.

It is a famous tourist attraction. Especially in China, the northwest slope is the place where Huiyuan founded Pure Land Buddhism, and Donglin Temple Lushan National Park is the United Nations Lushan Quaternary Glacier National Geopark, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site, is a member of UNESCO Global Geopark network. Lushan Botanical Garden has tens of thousands of plants.

The species under the five elders peak is Bailudong academy, named after the poet Li Bo (Chinese:) (don't confuse it with the famous poet Li Bai who raised white deer. It is the oldest ancient Chinese high school One of the universities. It is located between the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake in the Tang Dynasty.

There are Tianchi Lake and jingxiugu lake. The Lulin lake on the north bank is the Lushan Museum. There are pottery and bronze wares from ancient China, calligraphy works of Tang Dynasty and paintings of Ming Dynasty.

Gulin town is the center of the Qing Dynasty (located between three mountain peaks, with an altitude of more than km). It passes through a mountain road and is adjacent to it Regional connectivity.


英文书法诗范文 第五篇

In the impact of the wave of modernization, the Internet instead of books, a keyboard instead of a pen, which we have neglected the likelihood of calligraphy,

the essence of years of Chinese culture can not be buried, calligraphy is a national heritage that we should carry forward to.

Calligraphy styles to reflect the character of a person, who is also a face.

Calligraphy of a person can show a history of growing up.

Our face should not be abandoned to the cultural arm themselves!







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