

溪若 浏览量:112022-11-11 15:24:08


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get into =enter 进入

get up 起床 get back 返回 get over 克服

get dressed 穿衣 get into 进入 get/be lost 丢失 get off/on 下/上车

get on well with sb.与某人相处得好 get out of 从.出来 get warm 变暧

get ready for +n.为.做准备 get ready to do sth.准备做某事 get well 康复 get a chance 有机会、得到机会

get/go to sleep(fall asleep)入睡 相关:(be asleep 睡着)

get older 长大

get+adj 较多地与形容词比较级连用, The days are getting longer and longer.become 强调变化的结果 It's becoming colder and colder.

go+adj.''表示令人不快的事情 go bad 变坏,go blind 变瞎,go hungry 挨饿

Also,when they get older, they will have to do housrwork so there’s no need for them to do it now.

It is the parents’ job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.

Remember to spend some time _with_ your loved ones, because they’re not going to be around forever.

provide v 提供

provide sb. with sth. (sb 前介词用 for) =provide sth for sb.( sth 前需加介词 with)供应某人某物

相当于:offer sb. sth. = offer sth to sb.provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物

provide 为应急等做好准备而“提供; 供给” provide sb. with sth. =provide sth for sb.提供某人某物

offer 侧重表示“愿意给予” offer sb. sth. = offer sth to sb.对某人提供某物 offer to do sth 主动提出干某事

supply 定期“供应” , 强调替代或补充所需物品 Supply sb. with sth=supply sth. to sb. 为某人提供某物

And anyway, I think doing chores is not so difficult. 无论如何,我认为做家务并不那么难

anyway 无论如何

It is important for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是重要的

do one’s part 尽职责;尽本分 Do one’s part in doing sth 在做某事上尽职责

keep +sth /sb. +adj. “使......处于某种状态”

Children these days depend on their parents too much. 现在的孩子太依赖他们的父母

Everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy.每个人都有责任保持家里的干净和整洁

keep 系动词

“保持” keep + adj . We must keep healthy.实义动词 “保持;继续”

keep ( on ) doing sth 继续做某事 He was in great pain but he kept on working

He kept on talking after the ball rang for class.

keep sb. Doing sth 让某人一直做某事 I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. My teacher kept me doing homework all the afternoon.

develop independence 培养独立意识

develop v→development n 发展→developing adj. 发展的→developed adj. 发达的

a developing country 一个发展中国家 a developed country 一个发达国家 China is a developing country.



树图思维导图提供 介词短语归纳 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 介词短语归纳  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:9b966ed004cdd5813360b0ea2cc2a55c

八下历史第五单元  国防建设与外交成就思维导图

树图思维导图提供 八下历史第五单元 国防建设与外交成就 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 八下历史第五单元 国防建设与外交成就  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:2fe92fd7a001abe6a0589995578606c9