

心奴 浏览量:112023-04-20 18:16:06


树图思维导图提供 高二英语备考:英语词汇复习(九) 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 高二英语备考:英语词汇复习(九)  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:342e9ab300beb21b27c3dddec82da339



1. 偿还债务 pay back the debt

2. 偿清 pay off

3. 在现代 in modern times

4. 救命 save one’s life

5. 做出重要决定

make an important decision

6. 你当权时有最坏的敌人

had your worst enemy in your power

7. 娶某人 marry sb.

8. 与…… 结婚 be married to

9. 就我所知 as far as I know

10. 开始干 go about

11. 玩一个残酷的游戏 play a cruel game

12. 放弃 give up

13. 最后 in the end

14. 对表示怜悯 have mercy on

15. 答应割一磅肉

promise to take my pound of flesh

16. 没人再相信你的法律

no one will trust your laws any more

17. 尽力与…… 争论是无用的

it’s useless trying to argue with

18. 你还是做…的好

you might as well do

19. 付……款 pay… for

20. 希望 hope for

21. 请坐 please be seated

22. 使……就坐 seat sb/ oneself

23. 与…… 的协议 your agreement with

24. 根据 according to

25. 撕毁文件 tear up the paper

26. 对天发誓 swear to heaven

27. 把胸部露出来offer up your breast

28. 准备做这事 prepare to do the deed

29. 称肉的重量 weigh the flesh

30. 流血而死 bleed to death

31. 准备好 be ready for

32. 拿整个心脏来还债

pay him back with all my heart

33. 拥抱你一下 take you in my arms

34. 宣判 pass your judgement

35. 喜欢做 prefer to do

36. 面对铁石心肠的敌人

face an enemy with a heart of stone

37. 失去了所有航海的船只

lost all his ships at sea

38. 准时,按时 on time

39. 像往常那样 as usual

40. 出海 be at sea

41. 一个条件 on one condition

42. 当笑话对待 treat … as a joke

43. 签协议 sign the agreement

44. 我收到你的信 your letter reached me

45. 研究法律书籍study many law books

46. 站在我的立场 stand in my place

47. 从来不知如此年轻却有如此聪明的头脑 never knew so young a body with so wise a head

48. 你会得到公正 you shall get justice

49. 剥夺 take away from

50. 任由…… 摆布 be at the mercy of

51. 跪下 go down on one’s knees

52. 讫求某人的怜悯 beg… for mercy

53. 值得人发慈悲

be worthy of our kindness

54. 像生命一样宝贵 as dear to me as life

55. 死后把这钱留给女儿 leave the money upon his death to his daughter

56. 来找他帮忙 come to him for help

57. 醒来 wake up

58. 讲出实情 tell the truth

59. 把孩子切成两半

cut the baby in half



树图思维导图提供 时态介绍 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 时态介绍  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:2afd76910294d6f355939784d170f8db


树图思维导图提供 现在进行时 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 现在进行时  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:3aa267ed6dfa50ee57862f81c1d1a1e0