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Unit4 The Universe can be explained by the Big Bang思维导图

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Unit4 The Universe can be explained by the Big Bang

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Unit4 The Universe can be explained by the Big Ban思维导图模板大纲

4.1: What is the universe and how do we make the sence of it?

Key Terms: Universe


All the matter, energy, planets, stars, galaxies, in which it exists in everywhere and all the space it exists.

Concept1: “Universe”is understood as different things to different people.

Information Of The Universe

The story of the universe begain with 13.8 billion years ago.

Type Of Universe

Infinite Universe

Bubble Universe

Parallel Universe

Daughter Universe

Observable Universe

Scientific Notation


A way to write very large and very small numbers.

Meaning For Each Part


double digital plus decimal

exponent can be +/-


Astronomical Units


How to measure the distance in the solar system.


1 Astronomical Unit = The average distance from the sun to the earth.

1 AU = 150 000 000, km(150 million km)


Light Year


The distance the light travel in one year.


1 light year (ly) = about 9.5 trillion kilometers or 9 500 000 000 000 km

speed of light is about 300,000,000 m/s = 300,000km/s


Concept 2: The sense we make of the universe depends on who we are, when we are, and what we know.

4.2:What do we know about the universe based on what we can see only with our eyes?

Concept 1: We see a variety of objects thatappear in the sky in mostly predictable wavs.

We can see in the night sky are: Sun, Moon, stars, and planets.

Ancient astronomy

Celestial sphere

An imaginary spinning sphere with all the objects in the night sky on it.

It extends around the Earth, divided into northern and southern hemispheres.

The Ecliptic

The path of the sun and other celestial bodies across the celestial sphere.

The path of the sun and other celestial bodies across the celestial sphere.


Groups of stars that form a pattern in the sky.

There are 88 constellation.

Retrograd Εmotion

Make the planet appear to move across the sky, then circle back in the opposite direction.

The position of Mars in comparison to background stars during retrograde Each dot represents the new position of the planet every 10 days during that time.

Navigating The Night Sky

Two celestial coordinates are used to describe the positions of celestial bodies.

4.3 How has technology expanded our knowledge and understanding of the universe?

Concept1:We have invented telescopes and other devices that extend and enhance our sense of sight.

The 26-meter radio telescope is part of the Daotomorrow Physics Observatory near Penticton. The observatory is owned and operated by the National Research Council of Canada.

Tecknology And The Universe

Studying Objects At Different Waving

Different telescopes show different planetary information based on different wavelengths.

Concept2:We know that our Milky Way galaxy is just one of many billions of galaxies in the universe.


Billions of stars, plus gas and dust, are gravitationally bound together.

Milky Way is our galaxy.

In a dark sky, on a clear night, the Milky Way looks like a white band across the night sky.

Discovery of Galaxies

Galileo (1564-1642) was the first to use a telescope to observe the stars of the Milky Way galaxy.

Galileo (1564-1642) was the first to use a telescope to observe the stars of the Milky Way galaxy.

The Shape Of The Galaxies

Concept3:There are vast distances separating stars and separating galaxies.

Stars Clusters

A collection of stars held together by gravity.


The open cluster contains 50-1,000 stars around the disk of the Milky Way.

Globular clusters have between 100,000 and 1 million stars around the center of the Milky Way.

Milky Way

The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy.

The shape is dis-like.

In the center is a halo of globular star clusters.

100 00 light-years in diameter.

Part of the Local Group made up of 50 galaxies.

Light Years

Concept4:The properties of stars help us develop an understanding of their life cycles.


The brightness, temperature, composition and mass of a star indicate what stage in its life cycle it is in.


The colour of a star indicates how hot its surface temperature is.

Very hot stars appear blue colour.

Very cold stars appear red stars.

Stars Composition

Spectroscopes are used to analyze the light from stars to determine their elemental composition.

Life Cycle Of A Star


Stars are born in clouds of gas and dust called nebulae.

First they form a protostar.

The protostar goes on to become a main sequence star.

4.4How do we use the big bang theory to explain what we know about the universe?

Concept1:The big bang theory is based on two main sets of evidence: redshift and cosmic background radiation.

How Can We Use Big Bang Theory?

Describe how the components of the universe formed and have changed over time.

Explain how the universe started.

Evidence #1 Prequel: Sound and Light Wavelength

Produced by waves of matter interacting with other objects in space.

The wave have sepecific wavelength.

The measure length are different colours.


Evidence #2 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

Radiation left over from the big bang.

Detected by the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) and the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Explorer (WMAP).

These images show the CMBR. Color shows temperature change (blue - cold, yellow - red - warm)

Concept2:The big bang theory helps us describe how the components of the universe formed and have changed over time.

Concept3:There is much about the universe that we still cannot explain.

Dark Matter

The mass in the universe than visible matter.

Forming a large spherical halo around a galaxy, like Andromeda.

Dark Energy

Because of dark energy, the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

The intensity of dark energy increases with distance.



Hubble Space Telescope

Location/Latitude and longitude

332 miles (535 km) above Earth's surface

28.5 degrees north and 28.5 degrees south


Launched in April 24,1990 and remains in operation.

Edwin Hubble built it.


Cassegrain reflector telescope


It has a 2.4 m (7 ft 10 in) mirror and observes in the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

It is the first astronomical observatory in orbit that can record images in these wavelengths.

It is the size of a large school bus and weighs as much as two adult elephants.

It travels around Earth at about 5 miles per second and orbits at an altitude of approximately 332 miles (535 km).

Famous Discoveries

Thanks in part to the Hubble Space Telescope, we know the universe is 13.7 billion years old.

Nearly all galaxies may harbor supermassive black holes.

The Hubble Space Telescope has helped scientists determine the process of how planets are born.


Dunbar, B. (n.d.). Hubble accomplishments. NASA. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from,Organic%20Matter%20...%205%20Dark%20Energy%20%E2%86%92%20

NASA. (2020, October 5). In depth. NASA. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from

Hill, T. (2015, April 30). You can see the hubble space telescope in the sky above. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from,the%20easiest%20and%20most%20economical%20orbit%20to%20establish.




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