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英语八年级下册Unit10 I’ve had this bike for three years课堂笔记思维导图

周易小小苏 浏览量:412023-04-24 14:28:21
查看详情英语八年级下册Unit10  I’ve had this bike for three years课堂笔记思维导图

英语八年级下册Unit10 I’ve had this bike for three years课堂笔记,课本知识点梳理,重点词语,单词,句型

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英语八年级下册Unit10 I’ve had this bike for three years课堂笔记思维导图模板大纲


according to 依照,按照 in one's opinion 依......看 in my time 在我那个年代 board games 棋类游戏 bring back sweet memories 勾起甜美的回忆

have a yard sale 进行庭院拍卖会 in need 需要 in order to 为了 junior high school 初级中学 no longer 不再

regard with great interest 以极大的兴趣关注着 ride a bike 骑自行车 search for work 找工作 so far 迄今,到目前为止 stay the same 保持原状

check out 察看,观察 clear out 清理 do with 处理,处置 for the last 13 years 在过去的13年里 give away 捐赠

not...any more 不再..... one last thing 最后一样东西 one's old things 某人的旧东西 part with 与.....分开 play for a while 玩一会

the mid-20th century 20世纪中期 these days 目前,现在 to be honest 说实在的 toy monkey 玩具猴 welcome to sp. 欢迎来到.....





1.a couple of两个;少数几个a couple of为固定词组,意为“少数几个”,相当于several

①He bought a couple of books for his daughter.他为他女儿买了几本书。 ②I spent a couple of days doing some sightseeing in Guilin.我花了几天时间游览了桂林。 for 至于

as for意为“至于”,为复合介词,后接名词或代词。如: ①He likes summer, but as for me, I prefer winter.他喜欢夏天,但是对我来说,我更喜欢冬天。 ②As for girls, we have skirts for only 30 dollars.至于女孩,我们有只要30美元的裙子。 搜索;搜查

(1)search作不及物动词,意为“搜索;搜查”。短语search for 意为“搜寻;找寻”。如: They went to the big city to search for jobs.他们到大城市去找工作。

(2)search作及物动词,意为“在……搜查;搜查……”。 如:①They searched the Internet for the information.他们在因特网上寻找信息。 ②You can search me if you think you're man enough.有胆的话,你可以搜我的身。 my opinion 依我看

n one's opinion意为“依……看”,相当于according to

In my opinion, it's best to make some cards for our teachers.依我看,最好给我们的老师做些卡片。

5.hold 拥有;抓住

(1)作及物动词,意为“拿; 抱; 握住”。如:Hold the baby a minute, please.请把孩子抱一下

①She is used to that way of learning English.她习惯用那种方法学习英语。 ②He has been used to playing basketball after school.他已经习惯于放学后打篮球。

(3)作及物动词,意为“举行; 进行

如:They will hold a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow.他们明天将开会讨论这个问题。


如:My hometown is the place that holds all my childhood memories.我的家乡是一个承载我所有童年回忆的地方。



1.To be honest, I have not played for a while now.老实讲,现在我已经有一段时间没玩了。

1)to be honest意为“说实在的;老实讲”, 是从个人主观的概念上出发的。如: To be honest, I don't like playing the piano at all.说实话,我一点都不喜欢弹钢琴。

(2)honest可以修饰名词,意为“诚实的”。如:He is an honest boy.他是一个诚实的男孩。

(3)本单元中出现的truthful与honest同义。如:He is a truthful boy.他是一个诚实的男孩。

2.As they get bigger, our house seems to get smaller.随着他们的长大,我们的房子似乎变得更小了。 as表示两个同步发生的动作或行为,意为“随着……”

如: ①As time went by, she became more and more beautiful.随着时间的流逝,她变得越来越美了。 ②As children get older, they become more and more interested in everything.随着孩子们的长大,他们对一切越来越感兴趣了。





现在完成时以及for, since的用法

(1)当现在完成时表示动作或状态从过去一直持续到现在时,常与for或since引导的时间状语连用。其结构为:“for+一段时间”;“since+一个过去的时间点”。如: ①I've studied English for three years.我学习英语已经三年了。 ②I've studied English since three years ago.我三年前就学习英语了。 ③I've studied English since I was ten years old.我十岁的时候就学习英语了。

(2)现在完成时态中延续性动词与非延续性动词的转换: 1)非延续性动词也被称为终止性动词、瞬间性动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。如:open, close, leave, die, become, begin, finish, come, go, move, borrow, lend, buy等。非延续性动词在肯定句中与表示时间点的状语连用,如:two years ago, at 5 o'clock。如: He died 5 years ago.他5年前去世了。

3)延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, wait, watch等。延续性动词可以和表示时间段的状语连用,如:“for+时间段”,“since+时间点”,“since+从句(过去时)”,“since+一段时间+ago”等,可用how long对持续时间进行提问。如: ①He has been dead since five years ago.=He has been dead for five years.=He died five years ago.他死了5年了。/他5年前死的。 ②He borrowed the book two weeks ago.=He has kept the book for two weeks.=He has kept the book since two weeks ago.这本书他是两星期前借的。/这本书他借了两星期了。 ③They left here three days ago.=They have been away from here for three days.=They have been away from here since three days ago.他们是3天前离开这儿的。/他们离开这儿3天了。

(4)另外还可以用“It's / It has been+一段时间+since引导的时间状语”,来表示动作的持续。如: ①It's three years since he came to this school.他来这所学校有三年了。 ②It has been many years since we met last time.自从我们上次见面已经有好多年了。





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