漫威经典语录励志1.The early bird gets the worm, but it's thesecondmouse that gets the cheese.早起的鸟儿有虫吃,但吃到奶酪的往往是第二只老鼠。
树图思维导图提供 复联4经典语录(复联四经典语录英语) 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 复联4经典语录(复联四经典语录英语) 进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:868cde35a7d7e87eb7d8dd1d73cbe5bd
1.The early bird gets the worm, but it's thesecondmouse that gets the cheese.早起的鸟儿有虫吃,但吃到奶酪的往往是第二只老鼠。
4.Failureis thefogthrough which we glimpsetriumph.失败是迷雾,穿过它,我们就可以瞥见光明。
5.Slanderis spoken. In print, it'slibel.谣言,嘴上的叫中伤,纸上的叫诽谤。
6.No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, the ones Ilovewill always be the ones whopay.无论我做什么,无论我多努力,我爱的人最终都会成为为我付出代价的人。
7.I believe there's aheroin all of us.我相信每个人心中都住着一个英雄。
8.It's thechoicesthat make uswho we are, and we can alwayschooseto do what'sright.我们每一步的抉择都决定着我们会成为什么样的人,而我们可以选择做对的事。
10.Don't just follow the path. Make yourown trail.走自己的路,不要随波逐流。
11.The world cannot be changed withoutchanging our thinking.只有改变思维,才能改变世界。
13.Hate is likepoison. It makes your soul ugly.仇恨就像毒药,慢慢的会让你的灵魂变得丑恶。
14.It is better toacceptyour fate than toescape.与其逃避命运不如勇敢接受。
15.Don't makepromisesyou can't keep.But those are the bestkind.不轻许做不到的承诺,但做不到的承诺往往最美好。
16.I don’t want tokillanyone. I don’t likebullies; I don’t care where they’re from.我不杀生,不喜欢恶霸,也不在乎他们他们来自哪里。
17.Whatever happens tomorrow you must promise me one thing. That you will staywho you are. Not a perfect soldier, but agood man.无论明天发生什么,答应我一件事情:坚持做你自己,一个好人,而不是一个好兵。
18.I'm loyal to nothing except thedream.我只忠于我的梦想。
20.As long as one man stands against you, you'll never be able to claimvictory.只要有一个人与你为敌,你就不可能胜利。
21.I can't control theirfear, only my own.我控制不了他人的恐惧,我只能控制自己的恐惧。
22.Compromisewhere you can. Where you can't,don't.该让步时让步,不该让步时决不退让。
1.The early bird gets the worm, but it's thesecondmouse that gets the cheese.早起的鸟儿有虫吃,但吃到奶酪的往往是第二只老鼠。
4.Failureis thefogthrough which we glimpsetriumph.失败是迷雾,穿过它,我们就可以瞥见光明。
5.Slanderis spoken. In print, it'slibel.谣言,嘴上的叫中伤,纸上的叫诽谤。
6.No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, the ones Ilovewill always be the ones whopay.无论我做什么,无论我多努力,我爱的人最终都会成为为我付出代价的人。
7.I believe there's aheroin all of us.我相信每个人心中都住着一个英雄。
8.It's thechoicesthat make uswho we are, and we can alwayschooseto do what'sright.我们每一步的抉择都决定着我们会成为什么样的人,而我们可以选择做对的事。
10.Don't just follow the path. Make yourown trail.走自己的路,不要随波逐流。
11.The world cannot be changed withoutchanging our thinking.只有改变思维,才能改变世界。
13.Hate is likepoison. It makes your soul ugly.仇恨就像毒药,慢慢的会让你的灵魂变得丑恶。
14.It is better toacceptyour fate than toescape.与其逃避命运不如勇敢接受。
15.Don't makepromisesyou can't keep.But those are the bestkind.不轻许做不到的承诺,但做不到的承诺往往最美好。
16.I don’t want tokillanyone. I don’t likebullies; I don’t care where they’re from.我不杀生,不喜欢恶霸,也不在乎他们他们来自哪里。
17.Whatever happens tomorrow you must promise me one thing. That you will staywho you are. Not a perfect soldier, but agood man.无论明天发生什么,答应我一件事情:坚持做你自己,一个好人,而不是一个好兵。
18.I'm loyal to nothing except thedream.我只忠于我的梦想。
20.As long as one man stands against you, you'll never be able to claimvictory.只要有一个人与你为敌,你就不可能胜利。
21.I can't control theirfear, only my own.我控制不了他人的恐惧,我只能控制自己的恐惧。
22.Compromisewhere you can. Where you can't,don't.该让步时让步,不该让步时决不退让。
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