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求助句子英语怎么说 精选50句1. In navigation English teaching, the author adopted the teaching methods, such as stimulation of interest, inductive method, imagination, word-...

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求助句子英语怎么说 精选50句

1. In navigation English teaching, the author adopted the teaching methods, such as stimulation of interest, inductive method, imagination, word-formation and etc. 在航海英语教学中,采用激发求知欲、词汇归纳、词汇联想、构词分析等方法帮助学生记忆专业词汇;

2. He is begging for help. 他请求援助。

3. SAP is designed to help organizations quickly and confidently deliver expected application functionality and reliability to meet the business needs of the on-demand organization. SAP 被设计用来帮助组织快速和可靠的交付应用程序期望的功能性和可靠性,来满足组织要求的业务需求。

4. This course is the intermediate level of the basic japanese. students will learn modal auxiliary verbs. they will be able to give a request to ask permission and helps. 这门课是中级的基础日文,学生们将会学到情态助动词,他们将能够用日语提出请求,征求同意和寻求协助。

5. Chinese modal particles belong to functional auxiliary words, whose modal meanings are elusive. 汉语语气词属功能助词,其语气义是难以捉摸的。

6. This part collects all the auxiliary verbs in Ru Lin Wai Shi, and closely examines the semantics, syntax and pragmatics of each auxiliary verb. 对《儒林外史》中的全部助动词作了穷尽式的统计,详细考察了每一个助动词的语义、句法、语用情况。

7. It can be used both as the structure auxiliary words and as the mood auxiliary words. "哩"有其特殊作用,它既可做结构助词,也可做语气助词;

8. Please help me pursue godliness with contentment. 求祢帮助我们,以知足的心追求敬虔。

9. Chapter IV is the common term study, we select the ten words to study YHL status in the use of commonly used words, seek the ancient Chinese words have in-depth knowledge and understanding. 第四章是常用词研究,我们选取其中的十组词来研究《六韬》中常用词的使用状况,力求有助于古代汉语常用词的深入地认识与瞭解。

10. Many of these parents once made donations to Mr. Townley's program. Now they are asking for aid to pay for their kids. 现在来寻求帮助的家长们,以前曾赞助过唐利先生的事业,可如今则反过来求唐利帮助他们支付孩子的托管费用。

11. This way, when a user requests help, it will be downloaded when needed. 这样的话,当用户请求帮助时,当需要时将下载帮助内容。

12. This dictionary enables us to understand English words. 这部词典能帮助我们理解英语词汇。

13. I am used to getting up early. . So +be/助动词/情态动词 + 主语 …

14. I am only now learning to ask for help, but each time I do, my world expands. 现在我才学会去求助,但是每次求助时,我的世界也会随之拓宽。

15. I entreat your help. 我恳求你帮助。

16. Part 2 compares the auxiliary verbs in Ru Lin Wai Shi and those of each period of Chinese development. 《儒林外史》助动词与汉语各时期助动词的比较。

17. Modern Chinese grammar uses the order of the words and the function word rather than inflection in Indo-European language. 现代汉语的语法手段不像印欧语系的语言那样借助于词形变化,而主要借助于语序和虚词。

18. The correlations between the academic achievement and the academic help-seeking attitude and behavior are significant. 学业成绩与学业求助态度和学业求助行为显著相关。

19. So I have to turn to the Chinese-English dietionary for help from time to time. But mine is lost. 然而我经常遇到一些不知如何用英语表达的词,所以我必须时不时地求助于汉英词典,但是我的丢了。

20. Te deseo que tengas buena salud y te recuperes pronto.亲爱的爷爷,我希望你身体健康,早日康复。

21. ◆Asking for Help and Answering 请求和给予帮助

22. Donations that do not address the priority needs of victims are generally unhelpful. 不能解决灾难受害者迫切需求的捐助通常起不到帮助作用。

23. But in both languages, some kinds of tenses can be expressed by the same grammar means. 但从表达语法手段看,英语和哈萨克语均可用动词变化形式或助词来表达"时"的语法意义。

24. Could you lend me a hand?

25. I could use a hand.

26. GHI is now seeking funds to start this work. 现在地质灾害组织正在寻求资助以开展这项工作。

27. Connectives are used as the dominant marker in Chinese conditional sentences, including conjunctions, adverbs with connective functions, and particles. 汉语使用的手段主要是第一种,包括连词、具有连接功能的副词和语气助词。

28. It's OK to ask for help when you need it; don't be afraid of going to someone for help. 需要帮助的时候,寻求帮助是可以的:不要害怕向某人寻求帮助。

29. Could you give me a hand?

30. Some languages express passive by preposition or verb, while others express through word order or the syntactic relationship between auxiliary and nominal. 在语法标记上,有的主要是带被动义的介词或动词,有的主要是语序或由结构助词与体词组成的语法关系。

31. I turned to books. 我求助于图书。

32. I don't like asking for help.我不愿求人帮助

33. He was willing to selflessly help everyone who turned to him. 他愿意无私地帮助那些向他求助的人。

34. I’d appreciate some help.

35. In sum, what mentioned above all belongs to the features of Japanese accessory word and auxiliary verb. 这些都可以说是日语助词、助动词所具有的非词性。

36. 比赛时不要紧张,Deep breath. Smile always help luck for you.

37. She appealed to Ron. 赫敏向罗恩求助。

38. According to the application requirements configures auxiliary institutions, such as: rotation auxiliary device. 可根据应用要求配置辅助机构,如:旋转辅助器。

39. While in the revising-process, the Chinese is used to help the student writers to modify some ungrammatical and awkward words and expressions. 在写作过程中,汉语被用来帮助修改一些不合乎英语语法规则和习惯的单词及词组。

40. As a result, we can supplement a words grammatical meaning if it is followed by accessory word and auxiliary verb. 于是我们可以通过在词之后接续助词、助动词这一手段来补充词的语法意义。

41. Both the achievement goal orientation and the sense of self-efficacy have some effects on predicting studentsxxx academic help-seeking attitude and 成就目标定向和自我效能感对学生的求助态度和求助行为均有较大的预测作用。

42. Due to the handling of default Boolean combinations for filler terms, the matching focuses on non-filler terms if there is a combination of filler and non-filler terms in a search. 由于辅助词会与默认的逻辑值组合,所以如果搜索中包含了辅助词和非辅助词,那么这时匹配只关注于非辅助词。

43. Section Four - Looking for Help? 第四局部—寻求帮助?

44. Could you do me a favor?

45. As he had a weak case and could not defend himself, he had to resort to sophistry. 他理屈词穷, 只好求助于诡辩。

46. If I ask for his help. 我若求神帮助。

47. They had no one to appeal to. 他们没有人可恳求[求助无门]。

48. I entreat your pardon. 我恳求你帮助。

49. Do you think you could help me?

50. New Criteria for English Courses for General Middle School requires that teachers should help Students develop effective learning strategies. 新中学英语课程标准要求教师要帮助学生发展有效的词汇学习策略。



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