

雨过之后 浏览量:02023-04-26 12:18:38

英语最简单的句子look 精选94句1. I'vehadagoodlookforit,butIcan'tfindit.2. 我仔细找过了,可是找不着。

树图思维导图提供 英语最简单的句子look精选100句 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 英语最简单的句子look精选100句  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:8a2af14bc4587f643e6a1d3fb23ff265



英语最简单的句子look 精选94句

1. I'vehadagoodlookforit,butIcan'tfindit.

2. 我仔细找过了,可是找不着。

3. Ilikeitbecauseit'sakindofimageofthemoderncitythatmakesthemoderncitylooklikelanguage,looklikeletters,looklikeakindofscatteredalphabet,akindofbabble.

4. 精选例句

5. Spelunkerslookatacaveandwonderhowtoexploreitsdeepestreaches.Butphysicistslookatitandwonderhowitgotthereinthefirstplace.

6. 我看起来如何?

7. Thesepenslookgood.

8. Thebigtestfortheshop'snewlookiswhetherit'llboosttakings.

9. Makesureyougetagoodlookattheirfaces.你一定要仔细看清他们的面孔。

10. 寻找功能多、适用性强的软件。

11. Peoplewereleavingthecountrysideindrovestolookforworkinthecities.

12. Andlookinguncomfortablemademelookterrible!

13. Helooksforthelonely,thelost,theunloved.

14. Lookatthetime!We'llbelate.

15. to look down your nose at someone →see nose

16. N-SING Look is also a noun. 看

17. Brushherfacelookred.

18. Youlookwornout.

19. 他喜欢在海滨捡贝壳。

20. IlookFootballandbasketballAnddogandcatAndtabletennis

21. N-SING Look is also a noun. 考虑; 研究

22. V-I If you look at a person, situation, or subject from a particular point of view, you judge them or consider them from that point of view. 看待

23. 对这家商店新面貌的最大检验就是它是否能够增加收入。

24. V-T/V-I You can use look to draw attention to a particular situation, person, or thing, for example because you find it very surprising, significant, or annoying. (表达惊奇、重要或讨厌) 瞧 [only imper]

25. N-SING Look is also a noun. 寻找

26. Hemademelookarightidiot.

27. Shedidlookweary.

28. CONVENTION You say look when you want someone to pay attention to you because you are going to say something important. (用于引起注意) 喂

29. PHRASAL VERB Look out means the same as look. 面朝

30. V-I If you look for something, for example, something that you have lost, you try to find it. 寻找

31. 那些椅子看起来很棒。

32. Ifyouareadog(orlooklikeone)andyou'relookingforaphotographer,looknofurther!

33. Youcanlookattheissuefrommanydifferentangles.你可以从很多不同的角度看这个问题。

34. Fancyflamesforanmoreabstract,funkylook.

35. ButlookwhatIfound.

36. Don'tmakeahurrieddecision,lookroundwellfirst.

37. Yeah.EveryonesaysIlookjustlikehim.

38. HowdoIlook?

39. 我这儿有个目录,你要是有兴趣我就给你找出来。

40. 它们看起来像袋鼠。

41. 寻找腐蚀的痕迹。

42. 猴子看起来像人类。

43. V-I If you are looking for something such as the solution to a problem or a new method, you want it and are trying to obtain it or think of it. 寻求

44. Hedidn'tlookasthoughhehadthemoneytospeculateinshares.

45. 看几点了!我们要迟到了。

46. Hairdresser:Pleasehavealook.

47. INTERJ If you say or shout xxxlook out!xxx to someone, you are warning them that they are in danger. 小心

48. iamlookingformydog我正在寻找我的狗,lookfor强调动作,在找

49. N-SING Look is also a noun. 浏览

50. Nexttimeyougothegym,lookaroundyou.Lookatthepeoplewhoexercise.

51. 你看起来很累。

52. Shelooksverywell.Icouldsmellthatthemilkwasnotfresh.Ittastesgood.Itsoundwell.Ifeelbetternow.

53. Actuallyyoulooksoslim.

54. Butwhenyoulookintothesun,theyalmostlookgreen.

55. 看我看起来多年老!

56. Theylooklikepolicemen.

57. V-I If you look at a subject, problem, or situation, you think about it or study it, so that you know all about it and can perhaps consider what should be done in relation to it. 考虑; 研究

58. 这些钢笔看起来不错。

59. Icanquitebelievetheylookhorrible-xxxbusinesscasualxxxisahideousphraseforahideouslook.

60. Monkeyslooklikemen.

61. Well,lookatthis.

62. Kitchensmaylookmuchastheydid30yearsagobutlivingroomsanddesktopslookremarkablydifferent.

63. Whichfeaturesdoyoulookforwhenchoosingacar?

64. Suchastheyellowdoesnotlooklikethebread(cornmeal)lookgood!

65. Mike:Whatdotheylookfor?

66. V-I If something such as a building or window looks somewhere, it has a view of a particular place. (建筑物、窗户等) 面朝

67. V-I If you look in a particular direction, you direct your eyes in that direction, especially so that you can see what is there or see what something is like. 看

68. Helikedtolookforshellsontheseashore.

69. ButlookatthecollectiveecstasyoftheRomans!

70. look造句

71. 这些草莓看起来很棒。

72. Don'tlookatmelikethat.别这样看着我。

73. Youlooktired.

74. Lookforsoftwarethat'sflexibleenoughforarangeofabilities.

75. Youlookforsecret?

76. 你挑选轿车时要着重哪些特点?

77. Acatmaylookattheking

78. LookhowoldIlook!

79. 他们看起来像警察。

80. I'vegotacataloguesomewhereandI'lllookitoutifyou'reinterested.

81. N-COUNT Look is also a noun. 看

82. V-I If you look at someone in a particular way, you look at them with your expression showing what you are feeling or thinking. (带着某种神情) 看

83. Lookatthetime─it'smuchlaterthanIthought.看看时间吧,比我想象的要晚多了。

84. IfyouwanttoknowthebigculturaldifferencelooknofartherthanSchwartz'sponytailvs.IBM'stypicallook.

85. ILooKyouMotherAndfatherAndgrandmaandgrandpa!

86. We'realltryingtolookgood,andwewantourkidstolookgoodandimpressothers.

87. Theylooklikekangaroos.

88. V-I If you look at a book, newspaper, or magazine, you read it fairly quickly or read part of it. 浏览

89. 他看上去不像有钱做股票投机的。

90. Thesestrawberrieslookwonderful.

91. Thosechairslookfantastic.

92. Youlookpensive.

93. 一批一批的人离开农村到城里找工作。

94. Lookforsignsofcorrosion.

英语最简单的句子look 精选6句

1. Youlookatthestarsandthenyoulookatyournavel.

2. Hershoeslookcheap.

3. 他找的是孤独的人、失落的人和缺少爱的人。

4. Alookofcunningcameintohereyes.

5. So,lookateachotherexpressionless.

6. Ilookadog。



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