霸气句子纹身 精选102句1. 你是开始,我是结束!2. 不知归途,只想归你。3. Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one4. No way is impossible to courage5. 岁月静好,现世安稳。
树图思维导图提供 霸气句子纹身精选102句 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 霸气句子纹身精选102句 进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:6546ce5a603496e7681ae63da9b7198a
1. 你是开始,我是结束!
2. 不知归途,只想归你。
3. Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one
4. No way is impossible to courage
5. 岁月静好,现世安稳。
6. Time will bring a surprise, if you believe
7. Happiness consists in contentment
8. The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment
9. 山长水阔,最好是你。
10. Our attitude defines life
11. 吾在此候,只为你。
12. I’d rather be a happy fool than a sad sage
13. In life it’s not where you go. It’s who you travel with
14. Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life
15. Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow
16. 你的命令,我绝对服从。
17. Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well
18. Look before you leap
19. 年华已旧,少年已老。
20. 静静的夜里,在想你。
21. Done is better than perfect
22. To be is to do
23. 遮风挡雨,避风港。
24. 背靠背,一起怀念。
25. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
26. 轻摸眼眶,仍有余凉。
27. 姑娘爱我久点,好吗。
28. 陪你度过漫长的岁月。
29. Every man has his price
30. 我不是变心,是不爱了。
31. 每一片,都有你的气息。
32. There is nothing permanent except change
33. Now we don’t call it alive. It’s just not to die
34. 用最甜的吻,带给你浪漫。
35. 想做先生的私有物品。
36. 执子之手,与子偕老。
37. The longest journey begins with the first step
38. 海枯石烂,忠贞不渝。
39. 相亲相爱,与子偕老!
40. Honesty is the best policy
41. Always be a first-rate version of yourself
42. Have the faith for a better tomorrow
43. I am ordinary yet unique
44. You got a dream.You gotta protect it
45. A glamorous life is quite different to a life of luxury
46. Do what you say, say what you do
47. Dare and the world always yields
48. It requires hard work to give off an appearance of effortlessness
49. Strike while the iron is hot
50. Silence is the most powerful cry
51. No one but ourselves can degrade us
52. 爱你爱到神魂颠倒。
53. You can be happy no matter what
54. 你笑靥,美若桃花。
55. 天堂,我们还一起。
56. 没你一天,度日如年。
57. Take the moment and make it perfect
58. Life is but a span
59. If you are not brave enough, no one will back you up
60. 一生情,只为你!
61. We all have our places in the world
62. Don’t let dream just be your dream
63. No cross, no crown
64. The rough road often leads to the top
65. Well begun is half done
66. 爱你嘿嘿,爱你嘻嘻。
67. 你在哪,我去找你吧。
68. Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life
69. Sometimes you have to be your own hero
70. Everything will be all right
71. 一天不见,十分想念。
72. Whatever your past has been, you have a spotless future
73. 缠绵,生死与共。
74. Youth means limitless possilities
75. Chance favors the prepared mind
76. 心痒痒,眼蒙蒙。
77. The devil is always in the details
78. 世间万物,爱最难缠。
79. Any time spent being unhappy is wasted
80. Be thankful for what you have.You’ll end up having more
81. 盖好被子,别着凉了。
82. 就把你深深藏在我心中。
83. 愿真爱不息,相爱到底。
84. 你在万人中央,会发光。
85. 想念,在远方的你。
86. The darkest hour is that before the dawn
87. 你能不能照顾好你自己?
88. 死生契阔,与子成说。
89. It’s dogged that does it
90. 痴痴的眼,看你。
91. Spend your life in your own way
92. 爱情的酒,只有一杯。
93. Something attempted, something done
94. You learn to take life as it comes at you
95. 一路走來,几许尘埃。
96. No pain, no gain
97. 爱深深,情浓浓。
98. 我不相信幸福,我相信你。
99. Nothing really matters except to live or die
100. 相依,你在我眼里。
101. We’ll have a fresh start for the year ahead
102. 爱是神秘,也是坦白。
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