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英语九年级Unit9 I like music that I can dance to.课堂笔记思维导图

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查看详情英语九年级Unit9 I like music that I can dance to.课堂笔记思维导图

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英语九年级Unit9 I like music that I can dance to.课堂笔记思维导图模板大纲

一. 重点短语

1. expect to do sth. 期望做某事 expect sb. to do sth 期望某人做某事 2. catch up with 追上,赶上 3. different kinds of music 各种不同的音乐 4. quiet and gentle songs 轻柔的歌曲 5. take…to… 带……到…… 6. remind…of… 使某人想起或意识到…… 7. her own songs 她自己的歌曲 8. be important to 对……重要

9. Yellow River 黄河 10. Hong Tao’s latest movie 洪涛最近的电影 11. over the years 多年来 12. be sure to do sth. 务必/一定做某事 13. one of the best known Chinese photographers 世界上最有名的中国摄影家之一 14. on display 展览,展出 15. come and go 来来往往 16. can’t stand 不能忍受

二. 考点详解:

1. prefer v. 更喜欢,宁愿 prefer sth. 更喜欢某事 I prefer English. 我更喜欢英语。 prefer to do. 宁愿做某事 I prefer to sit. 我宁愿坐着。 prefer sth to sth. 同…...相比更喜欢…... I prefer dogs to cats. 与猫相比我更喜欢狗。 prefer doing to doing. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 I prefer walking to sitting. 我宁愿走路也不愿坐着。

2. along with 伴随… , 同… 一道 I will go along with you. 我同你一道去。 3. dance to sth. 随着…...跳舞(用的介词是to,这一点要注意) She likes dancing to the music. 她喜欢随着音乐而跳舞。

4. music n. 音乐 musician n. 音乐家 5. unfortunately adv.不幸运地 fortunately adv.幸运地(如果你把这个词记住了,那考试的时候你就是幸运的~) 6. fun n. 有趣 funny adj. 有趣的,滑稽的 7. be sure to do 一定做某事,肯定做某事 It is sure to snow. 肯定要下雪

8. known adj. 有名的,著名的(记住意思) 9. on display 展览(常见短语) 10. energy n.活力 energetic adj.有活力的 11. most of… ……的大多数 12. keep healthy 保持健康 13. get together 聚在一起 14. discuss v.讨论 discussion n.讨论 15. be bad for sth. 对…有坏处

16. take care of = look after 照顾 She often takes care of/looks after her son. 17. stay away from 远离…… Stay away from me. I have a cold. 请远离我,我得了感冒 18. to be honest 老实说 To be honest I really like flowers. 老实说我真的很喜欢花。 19. dislike 不喜欢 反义词:like 喜欢 20. fisherman 渔夫 它的复数形式是fishermen

21. photography n. 摄影;photograph n. 照片 相片;photographer n. 摄影师 22. be in agreement 意见一致,常与介词on/about连 They are in agreement on that question. 他们对那个问题意见一致。 23. even if 甚至 24. mainly adv. 主要地 首要地

三. 重点知识:

1. I love singers who write their own music. 我喜欢自己创作曲子的歌手。

2. We prefer music that has great lyrics. 我们更喜欢歌词很棒的音乐。

3. What do you dislike about this CD. 你不喜欢这张CD的什么?

4. What does it remind you of?它使你想起了什么?

5. The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music. 这首曲子使我想起了巴西舞曲。

6. It does have a few good features, though. 然而,它的确也有一些好的方面。

7. She really has something for everyone. 每个人的确都能从她的作品中领悟到一些东西。

8. Whatever you do, don’t miss this exhibition. 无论怎样,你都不能错过这个展览会。

9. As the name suggests, the band has a lot of energy. 正如乐队名字所暗示的那样, 这支乐队很有活力。

10. Some people say they are boring, but others say they are great. 有些人说他们很无聊,但也有人说,他们是伟大的。

11. I f I were you, I’d eat nuts instead. 如果我是你,我会改吃坚果。








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