Becoming an active reader.
树图思维导图提供 Lesson 1. Becoming an active reader. 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 Lesson 1. Becoming an active reader. 进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:662e102baa6a5732824bd38d895c1144
Lesson 1. Becoming an active reader.思维导图模板大纲
1.Help you to make decisions about how you will approach the material.
2.Put your mind in gear and help you start thinking about the subject.
3.Give you a mental outline of the capter's content
1.Read the main heading
2.Check to see if the passage is devided into parts.
3.Read the first few sentences.
4.Read the first sentence of each paragraph after that.
5.Read the final sentence of the passage.
2.Skimming and Scanning
Skimming-which is used to quickly identify the main ideas of a test
1.Read the question first to know what you are looking for.
2.Read the title of the text and any subheadings.
3.Read the first paragraph to see where the article is heading.
4.Read the first line of each subsequent(随后的) paragraph.
5.Read the last paragraph, which may include a summary/conclusion.
6.See how any diagrams or picture could relate to the acticle.
1.We probably know the author's thesis.
2.May detect the author's methods
3.Also have a clear idea of the length and some idea of the difficulty of the piece.
While skimming, we should
1.Try to read three or four times faster than normal.
2.Get a good idea of what the aricle is about without checking new words in the dictionary.
3.Uderline key words,dates/places/figures.
4.Focus on key words like n,adj,adv
Scanning-is completely different from skimming.
1.When we need to quickly locate a specific piece of information.
2.When we search for a paricular topic in the index of textbook.
3.Search a web pape for the time and location of a movie.
Tips for scanning to answer a specific question
1.Look over the material in its entirely to get a sense of how it is organized.(alphabetically, chronologically, categorically)
2.Note the headings and subheadings to determine.(which section likely to have answers.)
3.Locate key words-read the surrounding material.
4.Look for key words
test-nouns-reflect the questions(problem, solution, idea, goal, improvement, danger)
help you interpret the text and writer's opinion (verbs-must, can, help, ensure, offer, measure, change,and adj/adv-probably, without, doubt, definitely, possible, much worse)
5.Think of paragraphs for key words from the questiion and look for them in the text.
Skimming and scanning work together.
If you have skimmed the text effectively-you will have a better idea of where to find the information.
Skimming-don't know what looking for
Scanning-have a question in the mind/find answer.
Skim ahead and jump back
Skim ahead
1.Skimming ahead enables you to see what's coming up.
2.This head start will give you an idea of what's important in the passage you're about to read.
Jumping back
1.Jumping back helps you remember the information you just read.
2.You can see how each idea fits into the whole and how ideas and information are conneteed.
3.highlighting and underlining key words and ideas
Be selective
Watch for clues
4.looking up unfamiliar vocabulary words
Whenever possible, have a dictionary with you when you read.
We should know what the words mean so that we can understand what someone saying
After all, a key word or phrase can change the meaning of a whole passage.
If you don't have a dictionary with you,try to figure out what the words mean.
5.reading with a pencil :underlining,highlighting,annotating
We should
1.You will underline or highlight key passages, and make annotations in the margins.
When you review the essay you can easily locate the main passages.
2.Don't overdo a good thing.
If you find yourself underlining or highlitighting most of a page, you are probably not thinking carefully enough about what the keys points are.
3.Your marginal annoutations should be brief and seletive.
4.What you annoutate will depend largely on your purpose.
Annoutations might include:
strong pieces of evidence
key points
ideas with which you disagree
good or poor supporting data or examples
key terms or definitions
contrasting points of view
key arguments
words with strong connotations
figures of speech(images that reveal the writer's feelings).
5.In short, in a paragraph you might inderline or highlight a key definition.
6.recording your questions and comments
As we read, we will have questions and comments.This time we should read with a pencil.
With a pencil, we can take notes
Taking notes can keep us actively involved with your reading.
It makes us think more carefully about what you read-and that means you will better understand and remember the material.
7.looking for clues throught the text
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