《小学生英语竞赛演讲稿200字》由英语演讲稿网发布,关于《小学生英语竞赛演讲稿200字》更多演讲稿 英语演讲稿的资讯和后续报道请访问liuxue86.co
树图思维导图提供 小学生英语竞赛演讲稿200字 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 小学生英语竞赛演讲稿200字 进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:2c4f4ce4d3ea76311fb28f3537eb77f6
Self-awareness is important.We need to know our good and bad points.Its the best way to improve.
We should examine ourselves.We should know who we are.Thats what true knowledge is.
Here are my strengths and weaknesses.I want to share them with you.Please listen and learn from me.
Fist,Im heathy and fit.Im capable of working hard.I seldom get sick.
My friends say Im humble and polite.I respect and obey my elders.I like to help people whenever I can.
Im also optimistic.I have a confident personality.I always look on the bright side of things.
On the other hand,Im stubborn.I;m a little impatient,too.I sometimes whineand complain.
I watch too much TV.I eat too much junk food.And my room is often messy.
Nobody is perfect.Im not ashamed to admit it.I just focus on improving myself.
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