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DEMAND for graduates in the UK with skills related to sustainability is booming. Academia is waking up to the need to train specialists in green architecture, chemistry and engineering.
Dean Millar founded the world’s first ever BSc course in Renewable Energy at Exeter University after working as an industry consultant.
He said: "A lot of companies were complaining that there was a lack of bright young people suitably trained to work in the renewables business."
Now his course has around 90 students learning the ins and outs of biomass, tidal, solar and offshore wind power.
Their career prospects are incredibly bright. Employment opportunities are not just limited to the energy sector, but segue into the regulatory and, increasingly, investment sectors as well.
"The big boys are moving in. The returns to be had are significant, especially in terms of wind development," said Millar. "Financial firms need expertise across the board so they can make sensible investment decisions."
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