

清风浅 浏览量:72023-05-06 14:38:57

tpo32口语task3范文 第1篇 Personally speaking, conducting a group study session has several benefits. The initial benefit is that it can reduce the monotony of studyin...

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tpo32口语task3范文 第1篇

Personally speaking, conducting a group study session has several benefits. The initial benefit is that it can reduce the monotony of studying alone. As for me, I’m used to studying by myself, but it can really get tiring and dull sometimes, so I tried studying with others for a day and it reinvigorated me to study harder. Another benefit is that it can develop your interpersonal skills. As an example, I’m a shy person, so I don’t get many chances to improve my communicating and listening skills, since I study alone most of the time. Because of these, I decided to be more confident in a study session with a few students. Since then, I was able to express myself freely and I didn’t have any difficulty listening to most of the student’s opinions. To sum it up, these are some of the benefits group study can provide.

tpo32口语task3范文 第2篇

I strongly disagree that children should be paid when they do household works. In my opinion, children were part of the family, so it is just part of their responsibility in the house to do such chores. They will be trained to be accountable inside the house so that when time comes that they have their own family, they will be ready and disposed to do additional tasks. Furthermore, giving money to children will make them feel that everything they do will get paid; in short, they will not do the work if not paid. And if that happens, they will not feel motivated to work. In conclusion, these are my reasons why I believe that children shouldn’t be paid for doing household tasks.

tpo32口语task3范文 第3篇

(1) The writer has written a proposal that ......And the listening material is a conversation between two students to express their opinions about the proposal.

(2) In the reading passage, the letter writer says that

(3) In the conversation, the man doesn’t like the proposal, he explained two reasons for that...

(4) Firstly, he... Moreover,


Diane proposes that the university should build an art museum but the woman in the conversation disagrees with this proposal and she has two reasons for her opinion.

First, she says that students don’t need a new art museum on campus to see artwork. The country art museum is just half an hour away. To get there, students can hop on a bus to and with their student IDs, pay two dollars for admission. There they can see some of the greatest art in the world from well-renowned artists.

Second, it’s unlikely that the university would receive any donation soon to cover the cost. The new student center and library were both donated by generous alumni and they were very expensive projects. They probably won't donate much money anytime soon.


tpo32口语task3范文 第4篇

Well if you ask me, there are two benefits of joining a group study session. First, students can avoid procrastination when they are involved in a group activity. Sometimes, I would often encounter sudden changes in my school life such as being given a new project with an immediate deadline or a change in class schedule. So, when you conduct a study session with more people, you will have a set time for studying and are accountable to your group members, making it less likely that you will procrastinate about studying. In addition, engaging in group study is a great chance to learn at a faster rate. Every time students study together, they have more chances to ask questions about difficult concepts with their classmates which can help them manage their time efficiently. These are the two benefits of studying in a group.

tpo32口语task3范文 第5篇

Well, the man disagrees with the plan for two main reasons. First of all, he believes that the route is out-of-date since it only goes through the neighborhoods that are too expensive for students to live in. If they change the bus route making it go through areas where most off-campus students live now, they will have plenty of students riding those buses. On top of that, the man thinks that the plan will encourage students to drive on campus, which will cause not only more traffic and noise but also deficient parking spaces on campus. So the man disagrees with the plan for the reasons stated above. (110 words)



The man expresses his opinion about the letter-writer’s proposal. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state the man’s opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

tpo32口语task3范文 第6篇

University Announces Energy-Saving Plan

Out of concern for the environment, the university has announced an effort to reduce energy consumption. The energy saving measures will start at the library. One measure involves the library’s inside lighting: new overhead lights that use less power will be installed throughout the building. Another measure has to do with the temperature level in the library. The air-conditioning will be reduced on hot days, meaning that study areas will be kept somewhat warmer when it is hot outside.

tpo32口语task3范文 第7篇

I totally agree that receiving money is necessary once a child finishes a certain house chore and these are my reasons. First, it can keep the child motivated since they will have a reward once they are finished. Take myself as an example, when I was young I would always receive 5 RMB from my mom once I finished organizing my room and as a result, I would always have some reason to make it earlier than the usual. Moreover, the money given to a child can be used as a pocket money. For an instance, if there will be some snacks the child wants to buy, he will no longer ask for his parents money from time to time. It can help a child divide and spend the money wisely. So, I strongly agree that children should receive money for doing household tasks.

tpo32口语task3范文 第8篇

As a studious person, I prefer enhancing my study habits by joining a group study for several reasons. Firstly, studying in a group can allow you to fill in the gap in some research notes. For example, when I’m having a study session with classmates, I can compare my notes with them and modify any errors I might have committed therefore saving me some crucial time for studying. Secondly, group study sessions are great for sharpening your study skills. For instance, when I was reviewing with group members, I realized that their method of reviewing using only bullets notes made them study efficiently. After that, I incorporated their studying strategy and I was able to lessen my study time by an hour. I realized that by mimicking and undergoing the same technique, I was able to study more efficiently. All in all, studying in a group can be really beneficial.

tpo32口语task3范文 第9篇

University is planning to start energy saving plan from library. However, the woman doesn’t agree. Because first the new lights that have already been installed in the reference room are not bright enough, and even though the reading lamps are not being used now, they will be turning on if the overhead light is dimmer by then. So this saving will go away. Plus, the air conditioning will save energy for sure, but it will cause another problem. Right now, library is the best place for students to study, but if the air conditioning is turned off, it will be pretty uncomfortable on hot days. And if so, students will wind up going back to their dorms to study, which is busy, noisy and bad for their concentration.

tpo32口语task3范文 第10篇

In my perspective, it is acceptable to give children money for cleaning the house for concrete reasons. First, it is a sort of motivation for them. For example, if it’s known to children that they will be receiving rewards, it will impel them to do more, may be, to do cleaning without being instructed. Additionally, that will enable them to develop a sense of independence and self-reliance. Second, it will allow them to experience the nature of paid laborers. For instance, a child, who at his early age, learn the essence of self-support will help him cultivate it within him further as the he grow up. Also, that will prepare him for his future endeavor as a worker. Therefore, children must be rewarded with money as they do household tasks.

tpo32口语task3范文 第11篇

(1)The man doesn’t like the proposal.

(2)First, the country art museum is not far from the university and it is cheap to get in.

(3)Besides that,the alumni already donated a lot of money to build a new student center and a new library, which are very expensive.



title: 2024-11-8未命名文件 tags: 影像诊断与手术后符合率统计与分析报告鱼骨图思维导图

树图思维导图提供 title: 2024-11-8未命名文件 tags: 影像诊断与手术后符合率统计与分析报告鱼骨图 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 title: 2024-11-8未命名文件 tags: 影像诊断与手术后符合率统计与分析报告鱼骨图  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:f19c198bf7435acf7735ee5051a89d7b


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