

所谓永远 浏览量:72023-05-08 16:13:57

因为淋雨感冒请假英语范文 第1篇你叫李铁,20xx年10月21日向英语老师江老师请假。内容:由于感冒今天不能来上1,2节的英语课。昨天淋了雨。晚上发烧,医生建议休息一两天,身体恢复后会立即去上课。请批准为盼。英语课结束后会给老师打电话。附上医生的证明。

树图思维导图提供 因为淋雨感冒请假英语范文(热门9篇) 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 因为淋雨感冒请假英语范文(热门9篇)  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:0d774f9cac157f1b156448e9c0cb4e18



因为淋雨感冒请假英语范文 第1篇



Dear Mr/Ms Jiang

I was unable to come to 1st and 2nd period to the rain yesterday, I was wet and had temperature at night. The doctor adviced me to rest for several days and after my recovery, I will attend school as soon as possible.

I am sincerely sorry about the inconvenience. However, I would like to have your permission. Also, afterwards I would phone you and there's the certificate by the doctor.

Li Tie

因为淋雨感冒请假英语范文 第2篇

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am really sorry to tell you that I cannot attend the training course next Tuesday, because ny manager has appointed me to go on a 3-day business trip to Hainan. Will you please record the lecture for me to review later?

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming





因为淋雨感冒请假英语范文 第3篇

Oct. 7, 200

Director Hu,

A telegram has just come to hand saying that my mother is serious ill and urging me to go home at once. Because of this I should very much like to have a leave of three days beginning on Oct. 8. I hope that my request will be given due consideration.

Chen Xingxing

Encl: a telegram from my home

因为淋雨感冒请假英语范文 第4篇

Dear Miss Gao, I'm sorry I can’t go to school today. I helped the farmers pick apples with my classmates on the farm yesterday. Unluckily, I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg, but I wasn''''t badly hurt. The doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. So I ask for leave for two days.

Your student,

Wang Li

因为淋雨感冒请假英语范文 第5篇

Dear (name):

I won't be able to attend school for today and tomorrow because i just got a call from my sister saying that our mother fell ill and is going to be in the hospital for few days. I am very sorry for the fact that i'll be absent for two days because i have to go and take care of my mother, but i'll be back in school as soon as she gets better and catch up with the rest of the students.

Thank you for your consideration Sincerely (your name)

因为淋雨感冒请假英语范文 第6篇

Dear Sir,

I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go to school today, I've caught a cold because I went back home in the rain without umbrella yesterday ,so that this morning I had a headache. After taking my temperature, my mother found that I had a high fever, immediately she took me to see a doctor, who advised me to stay in bed for one days. Now I am writing to you to ask for one day's sick leave.

With best wishes

your student


因为淋雨感冒请假英语范文 第7篇

Dear _ _ _:

Hello! I am _ _ _ level _ _ _ professional _ _ _ _ _ _. Because of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( excuse ) cannot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. We take. Please approve.

Sincerely yours

Leave: _ _ _ _ _ _

X month X day

【Taking a leave of absence】

( the competent leadership of the name or the competent department and so on. ):

I because the home is medium occupied, in to month day, leave day, please approve.

Leave :

Year month day [ format content ]

因为淋雨感冒请假英语范文 第8篇

To: John Smith, Supervisor

From: George Chen, Accounting Department Date: March 11, 20xx

Subject: Casual Leave of Absence

John, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from March 23 to 27.

Yesterday I received a letter from my parents, who are both over 70, telling me that a big flood took place at my home village, causing serious damage to my house. As the only son of my parents, I should go back to assess the situation, and help them to get over these difficulties. Though I cannot stay at home for too long, I should at least make arrangements for maintenance work. I believe my relatives in the village and my neighbors will also come to help. Financially I have no difficulties.

I will call you at 1:. Or you can call me at any time.

因为淋雨感冒请假英语范文 第9篇

dear mr chen,

i'm sorry to tell you that i can't go to school today. i've caught a cold because i swam in the kunming lake yesterday.[转

this morning i had a headache. after taking my temperature, my mother found that i had a high fever. she took me to see a doctor. the doctor advised me to stay in bed for two days.

now i'm writing to you to ask for two days' sick leave.

yours respectfully,( )



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