

感情愚钝 浏览量:42023-05-08 16:47:15

辩论赛上网作文500字 第1篇With the development of high technology,Internet is more and more matter children or the old know how to search the emerging of the Internet br...

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辩论赛上网作文500字 第1篇

With the development of high technology,Internet is more and more matter children or the old know how to search the emerging of the Internet bring a lot of benefit for people,while people also find it bring harm to them generally.

First of all,Internet brings much convenience and a colorful world for Internet,people can buy all the things at home,search various information,make friends with people from all the world and so Internet people cant have those there are a lot of people shopping on line,the need for couriers is bring employment opportunities to many also bring disadvantages for the Internet is wonderful,many people are addicted to indulge in playing com*r games and neglect study or people can touch different kind of information online,they are easily learn some bad messages,which is bad for their growing.

To sum up,everything has two also has advantages and as far as Im concerned,Internet has more advantages than disadvantages if people use it in a proper way.

辩论赛上网作文500字 第2篇

With the development of the science and technology,the com*r has been becoing the necessity for people in the 21st is of close link with our life,bringing us incomparable convenience on our life and work.

Through the network,we can search for useful datas and get to know the current you play com*r games after a long-time work,it can relieve your pressure and make you feel online games is not all bad,for it can fulfil students entertaining requests as well as practise their response ability.

However,there still exists some disadvantages in the radiation from the com*r will do harm to peoples health if you keep on watching the com*r for a long short sight may caused by it for your eyes stay present,there are too many games on the Internet,but some of them are not of good quality even contain some unhealthy content like violence and so to the lack of recognizing society and self-protection awareness,some students get addicted in the games and online dating.

In fact,network is not that horrible,as long as we know more about it,it will become our right hand on our build a clean network world together.

辩论赛上网作文500字 第3篇

我们先来说游戏的利。好的游戏可以锻炼我们的经济头脑和理财观念。例如我近期常玩的游戏叫"浴火银河",这是一款宇宙探险游戏。在游戏当中,玩家需 要通过不同的方式来赚钱,并武装自己的飞船。我比较喜欢的一种赚钱方式是"跑商",就是根据不同星系的商品价格,在价格便宜的星球买,到价格贵的地方卖。 比如一条"毛巾",在这个星系十块钱,可在那个星系就变成了一百块,你别看它一次赚钱不多,可一次运几百条,不断重复,积少成多,就能捞到一大桶金。

游戏还能快速提高我们手和脑的配合能力。"Temple Run神庙逃亡"是一款众所皆知、家喻户晓的跑酷游戏。玩家需要控制人物时而跳跃,时而卧倒,逃离魔兽的追捕,逃离神庙。游戏中,玩家不但要收集金币,还 要灵巧地躲避障碍物、悬崖等。我玩这个游戏初期,总是因为反应力慢,或双手没有协调好而坠入深渊。可是,经过我的不断练习,渐渐地,我能够跑很远了。我在 "神庙逃亡"里练出来的反应能力在我打乒乓球时得以运用。看图猜成语游戏也能锻炼我们的思维,积累更多的成语。

玩游戏的好处显而易见,但是如果沉迷游戏,那一负面影响也不容忽视。一是玩多了游戏坏眼睛,眼睛是心灵的窗口,我们还处在童年,但是不少的同学已经 因为玩太多游戏而带上了小眼镜。还有许多同学深深地沉迷于游戏的虚拟世界中,难以自拔。他们荒废自己的学业,夜以继日的玩游戏。有的还因为没钱买游戏币而 铤而走险,去偷盗、抢劫。这些都是因为没有良好的自我控制能力而造成的。


辩论赛上网作文500字 第4篇

Internet is now coming into our brings us not only a lot of convenience,happiness but also students use Internet as a too to look up the meanings of the words,a translated form of a sentence,the background of an event or a story,the information of a company or a famous person,etc.

They also read news or send e-mails through helps them learn more and study well.

On the other hand,some students play games,chat with friends,see the pictures or films even the unhealthy ones on the Internet the whole are not interested in their very dangerous for them!

The Internets advantages and disadvantages are shown clearly to think we should make good use of it and stay away from the unhealthy websites.


辩论赛上网作文500字 第5篇


辩论赛上网作文500字 第6篇






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