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英语作文范文有啥用 第1篇一篇好的高中英语作文,应该语言正确,内容连贯,词句优美。语言正确和内容连贯可以通过“多写”达到,但是词句优美却不是写得多就能达到的。这里说的“词句优美”指的是真正优美的词句,而不是流传甚广的很多所谓的写作模板、作文金句,那些东西绝大多数都是陈词滥调,不是优美表达,千万别拿那些东西当宝贝。

树图思维导图提供 英语作文范文有啥用(精选8篇) 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 英语作文范文有啥用(精选8篇)  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:0887f010f230bdcdd05fe50df9394f31



英语作文范文有啥用 第1篇









英语作文范文有啥用 第2篇


1.书信:最常见的作文体裁。开头 Dear,结尾 yours,不再赘述。

注意写给谁——别笑,血的教训。题目中给出 Peter 或 editor 还好处理,但收信人身份姓名均不明确时,一定要谨慎。最常见的是 Dear sir or madam,严防死守,毫无破绽(不要假定性别!中国不讲政治正确,但英语文化讲!这不是玩笑!)。Attention!我们小班高二第一次月考时 2/3 的同学因为不会写 madam 吃过亏,这种错误是致命的。如果放在高考,自求多福吧。

Dear 套完近乎再如何操作才能抓人眼球?后面得体和句式板块会有例子详谈。


yours 后面我习惯加 faithfully,反正不放过一切上分机会。

最后署上事儿精 Li Hua。


常见开头:ladies and gents, may I have your attention please?

我喜欢的:What a nice day, ladies and gents? Today I'd like to talk about……

中间靠后部分最好有表达主题的总结句,比如 Hence, I appeal to all of us to……

结尾 thank u for ur time,礼貌得体。


没有称呼,直接进入文章。注意通知发布者一般不是个人,所以不要开头 I'm Li Hua, president of SU.

第一人称处尽量用 we。

结尾署上通知单位和通知时间。通知时间要早于文中提起过的 deadline 时间。

英语作文范文有啥用 第3篇

In my volunteer group, we divided our tasks into three groups, cleaning a group of trees near the park, and then we divided their work into three groups of children's playground equipment. Each of us worked hard at about 11:30. Although we were very tired, we finished our work.

We are very happy that today is a meaningful day for us Did a good thing for us.



英语作文范文有啥用 第4篇

In today's global economy, effective communication in English is essential, but clearly expressing your ideas is a skill that needs to be learned frequently. People simply imitate the style of their colleagues, especially their superiors, because they think that this kind of ^v^good English^v^ you will see some hard to understand examples in their inboxes every day. In order to avoid writing, you don't have to In the case of ^v^use * to * start with *^v^, in the case of ^v^use * if * not^v^ in the event ^v^use * about * use * latest * latest Don't replace the word ^v^now^v^ with a short sentence about the present.

Like to read email paragraphs for a long time, use simple words and easy to understand phrases. You can improve the clarity of your message.



英语作文范文有啥用 第5篇

语法这个问题太大了。时态语态主被动,主谓一致非谓动,宾前状后非限定,虚拟倒装逻辑性……这都是高压线。还有——句子不要罗列!很多人犯这个大忌!一个句号或叹号或问号内只能容忍一套主谓(and but 这种另说)!引爆一处,18 分以下,两处,15 不保。这时候,你玩不玩手法秀不秀操作,已经不重要了。因为没有人会再去看。




我看的第一眼:I'm Li Hua, who am interested in……(统一回复:am 的搭配主语只有 I,这里 who 代值 Li Hua,且 who am 不奇怪吗……)


他瞪着一双呆萌的眼睛,说,Li Hua 就是我,用 am 怎么了……

他的字还很潦草。老师看了,说,你这作文要是落我手里,还想要 12?8 分都没有。



英语作文范文有啥用 第6篇


AAA earlier day care BBB late day care

AAA and BBB are nothing strange for us,because increasingly more argumentations about them can be found in TV programs,newspapers,university classes and many aspects of our everyday rendering my opinion,I think it is necessary to take a glance at the arguments on both is undeniable that BBB has its own most extreme manifestation of this idea is the fact that例子.Even so,we have no complete evidence to suggest that BBB is always better than are numerous reasons for my preference for AAA,and I shall here explore only a few of the most important is also worth noticing fact is that原因一.The above is only part of the important aspects,and another one with equal significance with respect to choosing between the two lies in the development of the proposition that原因二.All in all,taking into account all these merits that AAA boasts of,we may safely arrive at the conclusion that the advantages of AAA outweigh any benefit we can get from BBB and choosing AAA is a rather wise decision.

英语作文范文有啥用 第7篇



(1)As is vividly portrayed in the drawing above, 总体描述一句, which seems to be interesting and ridiculous(形容词的选择可以换用其他).However,(2)The most striking feature that impresses me deeply is that unbelievably, 具体描述.(3)Recent few years has witnessed a phenomenon of 主题.(5)Obviously, its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.第二段

(1)To account for the above-mentioned phenomenon,(several reasons can contribute to it.)serious effects have been put forward.(2)To begin with,主题 not only does harm to our 可指人,社会,家庭,集体都可以 but also results in a frustrating life among addition, it would be no exaggeration to say that, in any period or in any conditions that can now be foreseen, 不好的现象 is utmost significance to us but not least, here is no denying that due attention should be attached to this we turn a blind eye to the problem, our community will go from bad to worse.第三段




考研英语大纲 考研英语词汇 英语作文万能句子 考研英语真题 考研英语作文 考研复试英语

英语作文范文有啥用 第8篇

In today's global economy, effective communication in English is essential, but clearly expressing your ideas is a skill that needs to be learned. People just copy the style of their colleagues, especially their superiors, because they think that this kind of ^v^good English^v^ you will see some hard to understand examples in your inboxes every day. You need to read them repeatedly to get information One big mistake is to fill your writing with unnecessary words and phrases.

Remember that the purpose of your writing is to express your ideas clearly. Try to reduce the number of words in sentences and avoid using shorter words instead of long phrases. Here are some examples: * if you use * if * instead of 'reference' in an event, use * before * before * before * to * instead of 'follow up'.

Use * if * instead of 'about * about * reference * instead of' state 'in an event Of art ^v^use * the latest * latest technology * instead^v^ is because ^v^use * because * before 2pm * before 2pm * use * not before 2pm * use * now * now * remember to organize and use topic sentences to indicate what each paragraph is about. In addition, keep your email short - no one likes to read long e-mails Use simple words and easy to understand phrases - you can improve the clarity of your message without ending Becker.


在当今的全球经济中,有效地用英语交流是必不可少的,但是清楚地表达你的想法是一项需要学习的技能,人们只是照搬同事的风格,尤其是他们的上司,因为他们认为这种"好英语"你每天都会在收件箱里看到一些难以理解的例子你需要反复阅读才能得到信息一个很大的错误是用不必要的单词和短语来填充你的写作。记住你写作的目的是清晰地表达你的想法。尽量减少句子中的单词数量,避免用较短的词代替冗长的短语下面是一些例子:*如果在事件中使用*if*而不是"reference",则使用*before*before*before*to*而不是"后续",在事件中使用*if*代替"about*about*引用*而不是"state of艺术"使用*最新*最新技术*代替"是因为"使用*因为*因为*在下午2点*之前*在2点之前*使用*而不是在下午2点*之前*而不是"在现在"使用*现在*现在*现在记住组织以及使用主题句来指示每个段落是关于什么的此外,保持你的电子邮件简短-没有人喜欢读长的电子邮件段落使用简单的词和容易理解的短语-你可以提高你的信息的清晰度没有结束贝贝克。



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