名词做状语的句子 精选34句1. People went opposite direction. 背道而驰。
树图思维导图提供 名词做状语的句子精选34句 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 名词做状语的句子精选34句 进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:e5db84362c6c4ee4f612c95a29ad3ccb
1. People went opposite direction. 背道而驰。
2. assortment n 分类;花色
3. It can display real-time how much electricity is used by them.
4. Setting up some systems that these qualifications can be observed absent
5. Pass word mouth to mouth of the coming of a mysterious figure.
6. Can you get my screen back up full size here? 你能切换回全屏么?
7. He was born a musician. 他天生是个音乐家。
8. He falls full length. 他直挺挺得倒下。
9. For almost half a century, Parisians and tourists, rain or shine, summer or winter,
10. He seemed to have lifted(盗用) more or less wholesale,who are alluded to
11. Hazel Dickens grew up the eighth of 11 children in a poor mining family in West
12. The nation has to be united north and south. 这个国家必须南北统一。
13. Let us part friends. 友好分手。
14. I was raised a Christaian. 我从小就是一名基督徒。
15. We were brought up publicans. 在共和党家庭环境中长大。
16. It got shot full of holes, immediately. (议案)立刻被说得一无是处。
17. association n 联合;结交;结合
18. attachment n 附件;情感;依附
19. Sun arrived in Penang a despondent man. xxx到达槟城时,心情沮丧。
20. attack n 攻击;侵袭
21. His name is spelt all sorts of ways. 有多种拼法。
22. Some of you in this room may have grown up civil war buffs. (fan)
23. Monday dawned warm and rainless. 周一破晓时,天气暖和,无雨。
24. I was yours heart and soul. 全心全意地爱你。
25. I grow up a Lincoln lover. 我从小就是一个林肯迷。
26. We'll leave first thing in the morning. 早上第一件事就是离开。
27. The lads play heart and soul. 小伙子们玩得很投入。
28. Around the same time, a grand idea dawned on Sun Yunqiu, a local son who left
29. She died a virgin. 她去世时还是一个处女。
30. I went back into the kitchen a different person. 我回到厨房,完全变了一个人。
31. Billy went down face-first into the sandlot field. 比利面朝下栽倒在沙地赛场。
32. atmosphere n 气氛
33. He began to tremble hand and foot. 他手脚发颤。
34. In this way, football and rugby were born and went their separate ways.
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