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介绍呼和浩特英语作文初二 第1篇呼和浩特作文:Hohhot is also Romanized as Hohhot or Hohhot. It is a city in North Central China, the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and t...

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介绍呼和浩特英语作文初二 第1篇


Hohhot is also Romanized as Hohhot or Hohhot. It is a city in North Central China, the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and the administrative, economic and cultural center of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Hohhot is a city with profound cultural heritage, famous for its historical sites and temples.

It is one of the main tourist destinations in Inner Mongolia. It is also the hometown of the famous Chinese dairy giants Mengniu and Yili. It is also the hometown of China Dairy Association and China dairy industry The association has declared it _the capital of dairy industry in China_.

The name of the city in Mongolian is _blue city_. The blue color in Mongolian culture is associated with the sky, eternity and purity. This name can be translated into Qīng Cheng.



这个城市在蒙古语中的名字是"蓝城"。蒙古族文化中的蓝色与天空、永恒和纯洁联系在一起。这个名字可以翻译成Qīng Cheng。

介绍呼和浩特英语作文初二 第2篇

Hohhot also romanized as Huhehot or Huhhot, is a city in north-central China and the capital of the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region, serving as the region's administrative, economic, and cultural centre.

The city was founded by Mongol ruler Altan Khan in the late 16th century. It was chosen as the region's administrative centre in 1952, replacing Ulanhot. A city with a rich cultural background, Hohhot is known for its historical sites and temples and is one of the major tourist destinations of Inner Mongolia. It is also nationally known as the home of China's dairy giants Mengniu and Yili, and was declared _Dairy Capital of China_ by the China Dairy Industry Association and the Dairy Association of China in 2005.

The name of the city in Mongolian means _Blue City._ The color blue in Mongolian culture is associated with the sky, eternity and purity; in Chinese, the name can be translated as Qīng Chéng (Chinese: 青城), literally, _Blue/Green City._

介绍呼和浩特英语作文初二 第3篇

The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located in the northern border of China, stretching from northeast to southwest in a long and narrow shape.


The terrain of the whole area is relatively high, with an average altitude of about 1000 meters, which is basically a plateau type geomorphic area.


In the world's natural division, it belongs to the southeast of the famous Mongolian Plateau in Central Asia and its surrounding areas, collectively referred to as the Inner Mongolia Plateau, which is the second largest plateau among the four major plateaus in China.


In this vast and rich grassland of Inner Mongolia, there are 49 brothers living in it. Among them, the Han and Mongolian nationalities have a population of more than 1 million.


Under the blue sky and white clouds, Inner Mongolia prairie is a charming place and an ideal tourist destination for people at home and abroad.



内蒙古拥有奇特的自然风光和悠久的历史文化,旅游资源十分丰富。名胜古迹有四大类别,即陵园古墓、古城遗址、寺庙古塔以及革命家、革命活动遗址。内蒙古的自然景观有:呼伦贝尔大草原、锡林郭勒大草原、大兴安岭原始森林。内蒙古交通已形成了以首府呼和浩特市为中心的铁路、公路、民航组成的综合交通运输网络。主要铁路干线有京包线、京通线、包兰线、滨洲线、集二线;由于该区城市少而分散,地势平坦,因此适宜发展公路交通。内蒙古公路网以国道为骨干,干支线相结合,沟通各盟市旗县的交通网络。内蒙古住宿,旅游住宿以农家乐、蒙古包形式为主,宾馆酒店也一应俱全。 内蒙古是清朝内扎克蒙古的简称,位于中国北部边疆,西北紧邻蒙古和俄罗斯。面积118万平方公里,是我国跨经度最大的省份。内蒙古人口以蒙古族和汉族数量最多,此外,还有朝鲜、回、满、达斡尔、鄂温克、鄂伦春等民族。全区分设9个辖地级市,3个盟;其下又辖12县级市、17县、49旗、3自治旗。首府呼和浩特市。包头、赤峰、乌兰浩特、乌兰察布、乌海、呼伦贝尔、通辽、鄂尔多斯等为自治区内主要城市。 内蒙古地理位置的特殊性决定了当地旅游资源的丰富多样。大面积的草原和沙漠是内蒙古最吸引人的独特的自然风光。其北部草原居全国牧场之首,呼伦贝尔大草原、中部的锡林郭勒草原、希拉穆仁草原都是感受草原风光的好去处。内蒙古的沙漠主要分布在西部地区,比较著名的有巴丹吉林沙漠、腾格里沙漠、库布齐沙漠的响沙湾等。而以蒙古族为主体的民族风情更为内蒙古草原增添了淳朴自然的神韵。 内蒙古的主要山脉有大兴安岭、贺兰山、乌拉山和大青山。还有呼伦湖、贝尔湖等著名湖泊,黄河流经本区西南部。 内蒙古还是"一代天骄"成吉思汗的故乡,境内有不少的名胜古迹,如成吉思汗陵、昭君墓、五当召、席力图召等。 "金杯、银杯斟满洒,双手举过头;炒米、奶茶、手扒肉,请你吃个够。"这首祝酒歌,是对蒙古族饮食文化的精确概括。

最佳季节:5月-9月是去内蒙古旅游的最佳时间,因为内蒙古总体上为半干旱半湿润的温带季风气候,但全区跨越经度大,东西部气候存在一定的差异,考虑到此种差异,针对不同的目的地应有选择不同的时节出游,具体来说: 1、东部草原区。草原的春夏秋三季几乎相连在一起,因此5-9月间气候温和,清朗凉爽,十分适合出游。其中一年一度的"那达慕"大会在7-9月举行。 2、东部森林区。金秋时节去阿尔山的大兴安岭林海,层林尽染,色彩斑斓,宛若油画,美不胜收。当然若是不畏严寒也可考虑冬季去一览林海雪原。 3、西部戈壁沙漠区。去西部的沙漠区最好选择秋季,也就是8-10月,秋天的大漠跌落在一望无际的暗金色迷雾里,偶尔有点点绿洲和神秘的海市蜃楼,展现着沙漠的奇美瑰丽。此外,额济纳的胡杨林也是在金秋时节最有韵味。





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