

谁相伴 浏览量:112023-05-10 10:49:29

大学英语说明文范文 第1篇Mr David came to China, for the second time, this spring. During his stay in China, he visited several cities.In Beijing he visited the Great Well,...

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大学英语说明文范文 第1篇

Mr David came to China, for the second time, this spring. During his stay in China, he visited several cities.

In Beijing he visited the Great Well, and the next day he left for Nanjing by train, where he visited the Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge. After that he travelled to Hangzhou by air and went sight-seeing on the West Lake. Then he got to Guangzhou by train and gave a report on American English. Later he went to Shanghai by sea, and bought over ten books in Chinese. After two weeks, Mr David returned to Beijing by plane.

大学英语说明文范文 第2篇

Dear my father and mother,

This letter is my inner feelings. I want to thank both of you for so many years’ care and help.

During my growth, you have made a lot of efforts and love for me. When I make a success, both of you are more excited than me, and support me to do better. Even though I have failed, you always share sorrow with me and encourage me not to give up. Especially, during my preparation for CET-4, the support from you is always everywhere. I have passed the exam successfully.

You love is so unselfish that I am deeply affected, so I will study hard to be a useful person and won’t make you disappointed. Anyway, I would like to express the deep gratitude to you.

With best wishes.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

大学英语说明文范文 第3篇

Recently _______,what amazes us most is______________,it is ture that__________.

There are many reasons main reason is____________________.

what is a result_______________.

Considering all there, one thing_____________________,for another________






认真分析后我们可以看到,A对社会/世界 /健康的不利有很多。首先,从最直观的角度来看,A的出现直接损害了(这里加入一句针对性的话,如人类的身体健康和环境的平衡) 。(举例)。其次,从更深一层次上讲,它为人类的精神文明蒙上了一层阴影。更可怕的是,由于A所产生微小利益,却促成了许多可悲的人们为其忘乎所以,破坏了人类生存的法则和空间。



One object or phenomenon (negative significance inclination.)

A has attracted extensive attention of the society. Nowadays, increasingly more argumentations about A can be found in TV programs, newspapers, ugogo and marry aspects of our everyday life.

Since its concept covers vast fields, such as science, humanity, ideology, economy, society and nature, A is difficult to be defined, precisely and fixedly. Generally speaking ,we can describe A as follows:…….

A’s status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its in negligible but harmful influence on individuals, collective, and even the whole world. It seems to have a strange power to drive some individuals or organizations to act wrongly. The essence of these wrong actions is:

(1) to gain personal, short-term and partial individual interest at the expense of damaging others’ long-term and overall interest;

(2) to adopt improper means to win more rewards with less input.

Situating under the shadow of A, individuals /organizations and violate natural law merely to obtain temporary, or even illusory interests. However, the result may turn out to be loss of really important and valuable resource or ability.

We must keep highly alert of the problems evoked by A, because once the harmful influence accumulates to a certain degree and then spread, it will surely threaten the development of the whole society.

Though with various reasons and forms, from the perspective of the essence, the problems brought by A originates from the fundamental principle of human ideology and material production. Thus, we should seek the solutions through setting foot on this principle.

Due to the depth and width of A’s harmful influence, we should draft our on the basis of deep analysis of A problem. We must acquire our power from technology, management, law and culture terrorm, effectively eliminate the shadow of A, and ensures ourselves a bright future.

大学英语说明文范文 第4篇

1:from small beginning come great things.(伟大始于渺小。)

2:Many people would claim that...强烈认同_______的人有很多原因。

3:do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect. (william shakespeare, british dramatist)不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚.w.)

4:what a loveiy world it well be with you away.没有了你.这个世界多么寂寞。

5:People who support ... give some or all of the following reasons.有人会认为___________。

6:happiness is accompanied by sorrow, and it would turn sunny after rain as well. if rain remains after rain and sorrow remains after sorrow, please take those farewells easy, and turn to smilingly look for yourself who is never to appear. 快乐要有悲伤作陪,雨过应该就有天晴。如果雨后还是雨,如果忧伤之后还是忧伤.请让我们从容面对这离别之后的离别。微笑地去寻找一个不可能出现的你!

7:if equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。

8:don’t waste your time on a man (woman), who isn’t willing to waste their time on you.不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。

9:I bogged down in a sea of blood back legs, unable to stop, go back, as far as like, people feel that there is no retreat. the future is a marshy area, people got in deeper and deeper我两腿早陷在血海里,欲罢不能,想回头,就像走到尽头般,叫人心寒,退路是没有了,前途是一片沼泽地,让人越陷越深

10:the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

大学英语说明文范文 第5篇

As we know, our country suffered heavy ice early . Everything was covered with freezing rain. Guizhou, Hunan and Sichuan suffered the most. It caused the buses, trains and planes stop service. The disaster destroyed power facilities, cutting power supplies in many areas. As a result, huge economic loss was caused. Many people could not work and live normally. There was no food, water or light in some places. Our government called on people to fight against heavy snow. As a student, I think we should learn from those heroes. We must study hard at school. We should learn all kinds of knowledge to make our motherland stronger, better and richer.


大学英语说明文范文 第6篇

英语说明文作文:My Teachers-

Hi! Boys and girls! My name is kelly,I am 12 years old. I am a student. I study at XiShan Primary am in Class 1,Grade have three good teachers. They are Mr Lai, Miss Huang and Miss Lu.

My chinese teacher is Miss Huang. She is beautiful. She wears glasses. She always helps us study is her favourite. Eevrybody likes her because she has a kind heart.

Miss Lu is our math teacher. She,s very active and smart. She has tress. She,s young and pretty. She,svery strict,but kind. Her class is so much favourite teacher is Mr Lai. He is our English teacher. He has two small eyes and big mouth. He wears a pair of glasses, too. Because he is a university student. He,s very humoar. He speaks English very like him so are my teachers. Do you like them?

Thank you



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