

清泪尽 浏览量:62023-05-10 11:00:23

西点军校名言西点军校所致力的百教育目标,不仅是培训一流军官,而且是把一流的年轻人培养成真正的男子汉,度培养成未来的全方位的领导人。西点军校前校长伊·L·班尼迪克问 才能出众者,才堪担当重任;而努力学习,刻苦训练,是获得才能的惟一答途径。西点回军校著名学子、美国第三十四任总统艾森豪威尔 每个人都是你的老师。

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Official motto: duty, honor, country.

West Point training: punctual, and law-abiding strictly, integrity and strength.

Students honor criteria:

Not lying, deception, burglary, and must not tolerate such acts of others.

Not to shirk responsibility.

Selfless devotion.

School Motto:

Will be to serve our people, the Government and the community should be very clear understanding of the engineering, natural sciences and human sciences should be balanced development it is necessary to form a reasonable knowledge structure, but also strive in their own interest, expertise in the academic and form their own professional expertise.

Strengthened to update their knowledge, establish a "life-long education" concept has become times of joy.

"Ignorance" - knowledge eager never see themselves as students, asked some "stupid question."

Learning from others, from the books, if not more important study, and that at least equally important.

We must make full use of their spare time in life, not to allow any one of the self-development opportunities slip.

Every student, not lying, deception, theft, and will never tolerate other people to do so.

Collective or individual should be subordinated to the greater whole, subject to forces, subject to a team.

Discipline and the military capacity of our troops than other schools even more stringent local requirements.

The most important thing is, when can stick to the key principles.

And fulfill their duties than the spirit of personal prestige is more important.

The world badly in need of such personnel, in any case they can overcome all obstacles to complete tasks.

What we have to do is to guard West Point discipline, rather than instructors time monitoring students.

"Devils" hidden in the details, should never overlook any details.

Do not condone their own, find excuses for himself.

Even if it is for their own small point restraint, people will become strong.

In order to win, you may have to do some things themselves do not want to do.

Tolerate unfair Institute, the Institute due diligence.

If fully believe in themselves, nothing can be durable enough.

Wait for the much more difficult than doing things.

Have confidence, seize their own future.

Do not sink, in any environment you can choose to rise.

Patience of the people into a disadvantage.

Not convinced that breakthrough, the first choice is to wait.

If you do not have a choice, then bravely Yingshangqu.

Responsibility, honor, country!

To Lincoln as an example, draw on his experience of life and the spirit of struggle.

As long as you do not admit defeat will have the opportunity!

To develop the capacity of all aspects, including the tragic fate of the capacity.

Impulse is not the real heroes character.

Adapt, and adapt to the environment, rather than to you.

After rigorous training is the only way to self-perfection.

Speed determine success or failure.

And not be afraid of a crazy idea, as long as you make efforts.

First to establish self-confidence.

Victory is among the most tenacious people.

Should have the courage to overcome all fear.

Would like to thank the life of adversity and suffering.

Take the initiative to temper themselves, must cultivate fruit character.

To immediately take action without delay.

In the reality of fear, is far smaller than in the imagination of the terrorist so terrible.

Goals must be clear, faith must be firm.

Only their own do know that success is possible.

Done a truly fearless person.

To defeat terror, and not flinch.

Losers of its failure to create successful success.

We must be bold in "hard money" and not to doubt their own.

Nothing is impossible - "no way" or "impossible" is often mediocre and the lazy excuse.

Success began awakening, decide the fate mentality.

No individuals, the crisis comes, must break the conventional thinking.

To make good use of experience rather than by their shackles.

We should dare to whimsical.

As many mental and physical, less effort.

To maintain the "simple-minded" and the courage to Quan so-called "impossible" things.

The correct strategy and tactics more important than superior force.



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