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Day 7 The Impact of Cooperative Learning on CHC Students’ Achievements and Its Changes over the Past Decade思维导图

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Day 7 The Impact of Cooperative Learning on CHC Students’ Achievements and Its Changes over the Past Decade思维导图模板大纲

1. Introduction

Definition of Cooperative learning in western context

the structured use of small group through which students work together to maximize their own and each other’s learning

The popularity of Cooperative learning

its underlying theories such as cognitive-development, social-cognitive behavioral-learning and social interdependence theory

The effectiveness and efficiency of cooperative learning in enhancing teaching/learning

Group work, however successful in the Western contexts, cannot be assumed to be generalizable and transferable around the globe.

Voices have been heard that group learning may not be as applicable to the Confucian Heritage Culture (CHC) contexts as it is in the Western contexts because of the largely different sociocultural context and the situated culture of learning

2. Confucian Heritage Culture (CHC) Contexts vs Cooperative Learning

Confucian Heritage Culture (CHC)

a term often used to refer to the East and South Asian countries and regions which have been influenced by the Confucian cultural values

rich legacies

2.1 Teacher Authority in Classrooms

2.2 Competitive Assessment Context (in CHC)

examination is given a very high status.

examination results are attached utilitarian values and seen as a fair means of selection.

he selection via examination is highly competitive.

3. Thanh-Pham’s Review

4. This Review

5. Analysis & Findings

5.1 Insignificant Factor 1: Location

5.2 Insignificant Factor 2: Duration

5.3 Significant Factor 1: Education Level

5.4 Significant Factor 2: Subject Factor

6. Conclusion: Changing Contexts and Adaptive Agency

cooperative learning is largely applicable in the CHC environments as well

the intense examination culture still prevails and constrains the potential of cooperative mode being fully realized.


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