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Vol 4: Host Controller Interface思维导图

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Vol 4: Host Controller Interface思维导图模板大纲

Part A: UART Transport Layer

1 General

2 Protocol

3 RS232 settings

4 Error recovery

Part B: USB Transport Layer

1 Overview

2 USB endpoint expectations

2.1 Descriptor overview

2.1.1 Controller descriptors

2.2 Control endpoint expectations

2.2.1 Single function Controller

2.2.2 Controller function in a composite device

2.3 Bulk endpoints expectations

2.4 Interrupt endpoint expectations

2.5 Isochronous endpoints expectations

3 Class code

3.1 Bluetooth codes

4 Device firmware upgrade

5 Limitations

5.1 Power specific limitations

5.2 Other limitations

6 Bluetooth Composite Device implementation

6.1 Configurations

6.2 Using USB Interface Association Descriptors for a Controller function

7 References

Part C: Secure Digital (SD) Transport Layer

1 Introduction

2 Goals

2.1 Hardware goals

2.2 Software goals

2.3 Configuration goals

2.4 Configuration for multiple Controllers

3 Physical interface documents

4 Communication

4.1 Overview

Appendix A Acronyms and Abbreviations

Appendix B Related Documents

Appendix C Tests

C.1 Test suite structure

Part D: Three-wire UART Transport Layer

1 General

2 Overview

3 Slip layer

3.1 Encoding a packet

3.2 Decoding a packet

4 Packet header

4.1 Sequence Number

4.2 Acknowledge Number

4.3 Data Integrity Check Present

4.4 Reliable Packet

4.5 Packet Type

4.6 Payload Length

4.7 Packet Header Checksum

5 Data Integrity Check

5.1 16-bit CCITT-CRC

6 Reliable packets

6.1 Header Checksum error

6.2 Slip Payload Length error

6.3 Data Integrity Check error

6.4 Out Of Sequence Packet error

6.5 Acknowledgment

6.6 Resending packets

6.7 Example reliable packet flow

7 Unreliable packets

7.1 Unreliable packet header

7.2 Unreliable packet error

8 Link Establishment

8.1 Uninitialized state

8.2 Initialized state

8.3 Active state

8.4 Sync message

8.5 Sync Response message

8.6 Config message

8.7 Config Response message

8.8 Configuration Field

8.8.1 Configuration messages

8.8.2 Sliding window size

8.8.3 Level of Data Integrity Check

8.8.4 Out of Frame Software Flow Control

8.8.5 Version Number

9 Low power

9.1 Wakeup message

9.2 Woken message

9.3 Sleep message

10 Out of Frame Control

10.1 Software Flow Control

11 Hardware configuration

11.1 Wires

11.1.1 Transmit & receive

11.1.2 Ground

11.2 Hardware flow

11.2.1 RTS & CTS

12 Recommended parameters

12.1 Timing parameters

12.1.1 Acknowledgment of packets

12.1.2 Resending reliable packets

13 References

Part E: Host Controller Interface Functional Specification

1 Introduction

1.1 Lower Layers of the Bluetooth software stack

1.2 Cross-version issues

2 Overview of Host Controller transport layer

3 Overview of commands and events

3.1 LE Controller requirements

3.1.1 Legacy and extended advertising

3.2 Underlying Support

3.3 Feature Exchange

4 HCI flow control

4.1 Host to Controller data flow control

4.1.1 Packet-based data flow control

4.1.2 Data-block-based data flow control

4.2 Controller to Host data flow control

4.3 Disconnection behavior

4.4 Command flow control

4.5 Command error handling

4.6 LMP transaction and LL procedure collisions

4.7 LE Host and Controller synchronization

4.8 Versioned events

5 HCI data formats

5.1 Correctness

5.2 Data and parameter formats

5.3 IDs and Handles

5.3.1 Controller handles Broadcast Connection_Handles

5.4 Exchange of HCI-specific information

5.4.1 HCI Command packet

5.4.2 HCI ACL Data packets

5.4.3 HCI Synchronous Data packets

5.4.4 HCI Event packet

5.4.5 HCI ISO Data packets

5.5 Ignored parameters

6 HCI configuration parameters

6.1 Scan Enable

6.2 Inquiry Scan Interval

6.3 Inquiry Scan Window

6.4 Inquiry Scan Type

6.5 Inquiry mode

6.6 Page Timeout

6.7 Connection Accept Timeout

6.8 Page Scan Interval

6.9 Page Scan Window

6.11 Page Scan Type

6.12 Voice Setting

6.13 PIN Type

6.14 Link key

6.15 Failed Contact Counter

6.16 Authentication Enable

6.17 Hold Mode Activity

6.18 Link Policy Settings

6.19 Flush Timeout

6.20 Num Broadcast Retransmissions

6.21 Link Supervision Timeout

6.22 Synchronous Flow Control Enable

6.23 Local Name

6.24 Extended Inquiry response

6.25 Erroneous Data Reporting

6.26 Class of Device

6.27 Supported commands

6.33 Flow Control mode

6.34 LE Supported Host

6.36 Sync Train Interval

6.37 Sync Train Timeout

6.38 Service Data

6.39 Secure Connections Host Support

6.40 Authenticated Payload Timeout

6.41 Extended Page Timeout

6.42 Extended Inquiry Length

7 HCI commands and events

7.1 Link Control commands

7.1.1 Inquiry command

7.1.2 Inquiry Cancel command

7.1.3 Periodic Inquiry Mode command

7.1.4 Exit Periodic Inquiry Mode command

7.1.5 Create Connection command

7.1.6 Disconnect command

7.1.7 Create Connection Cancel command

7.1.8 Accept Connection Request command

7.1.9 Reject Connection Request command

7.1.10 Link Key Request Reply command

7.1.11 Link Key Request Negative Reply command

7.1.12 PIN Code Request Reply command

7.1.13 PIN Code Request Negative Reply command

7.1.14 Change Connection Packet Type command

7.1.15 Authentication Requested command

7.1.16 Set Connection Encryption command

7.1.17 Change Connection Link Key command

7.1.18 Link Key Selection command

7.1.19 Remote Name Request command

7.1.20 Remote Name Request Cancel command

7.1.21 Read Remote Supported Features command

7.1.22 Read Remote Extended Features command

7.1.23 Read Remote Version Information command

7.1.24 Read Clock Offset command

7.1.25 Read LMP Handle command

7.1.26 Setup Synchronous Connection command

7.1.27 Accept Synchronous Connection Request command

7.1.28 Reject Synchronous Connection Request command

7.1.29 IO Capability Request Reply command

7.1.30 User Confirmation Request Reply command

7.1.31 User Confirmation Request Negative Reply command

7.1.32 User Passkey Request Reply command

7.1.33 User Passkey Request Negative Reply command

7.1.34 Remote OOB Data Request Reply command

7.1.35 Remote OOB Data Request Negative Reply command

7.1.36 IO Capability Request Negative Reply command

7.1.45 Enhanced Setup Synchronous Connection command

7.1.46 Enhanced Accept Synchronous Connection Request command

7.1.47 Truncated Page command

7.1.48 Truncated Page Cancel command

7.1.49 Set Connectionless Peripheral Broadcast command

7.1.50 Set Connectionless Peripheral Broadcast Receive command

7.1.51 Start Synchronization Train command

7.1.52 Receive Synchronization Train command

7.1.53 Remote OOB Extended Data Request Reply command

7.2 Link Policy commands

7.2.1 Hold Mode command

7.2.2 Sniff Mode command

7.2.3 Exit Sniff Mode command

7.2.6 QoS Setup command

7.2.7 Role Discovery command

7.2.8 Switch Role command

7.2.9 Read Link Policy Settings command

7.2.10 Write Link Policy Settings command

7.2.11 Read Default Link Policy Settings command

7.2.12 Write Default Link Policy Settings command

7.2.13 Flow Specification command

7.2.14 Sniff Subrating command

7.3 Controller & Baseband commands

7.3.1 Set Event Mask command

7.3.2 Reset command

7.3.3 Set Event Filter command

7.3.4 Flush command

7.3.5 Read PIN Type command

7.3.6 Write PIN Type command

7.3.8 Read Stored Link Key command

7.3.9 Write Stored Link Key command

7.3.10 Delete Stored Link Key command

7.3.11 Write Local Name command

7.3.12 Read Local Name command

7.3.13 Read Connection Accept Timeout command

7.3.14 Write Connection Accept Timeout command

7.3.15 Read Page Timeout command

7.3.16 Write Page Timeout command

7.3.17 Read Scan Enable command

7.3.18 Write Scan Enable command

7.3.19 Read Page Scan Activity command

7.3.20 Write Page Scan Activity command

7.3.21 Read Inquiry Scan Activity command

7.3.22 Write Inquiry Scan Activity command

7.3.23 Read Authentication Enable command

7.3.24 Write Authentication Enable command

7.3.25 Read Class of Device command

7.3.26 Write Class of Device command

7.3.27 Read Voice Setting command

7.3.28 Write Voice Setting command

7.3.29 Read Automatic Flush Timeout command

7.3.30 Write Automatic Flush Timeout command

7.3.31 Read Num Broadcast Retransmissions command

7.3.32 Write Num Broadcast Retransmissions command

7.3.33 Read Hold Mode Activity command

7.3.34 Write Hold Mode Activity command

7.3.35 Read Transmit Power Level command

7.3.36 Read Synchronous Flow Control Enable command

7.3.37 Write Synchronous Flow Control Enable command

7.3.38 Set Controller To Host Flow Control command

7.3.39 Host Buffer Size command

7.3.40 Host Number Of Completed Packets command

7.3.41 Read Link Supervision Timeout command

7.3.42 Write Link Supervision Timeout command

7.3.43 Read Number Of Supported IAC command

7.3.44 Read Current IAC LAP command

7.3.45 Write Current IAC LAP command

7.3.46 Set AFH Host Channel Classification command

7.3.47 Read Inquiry Scan Type command

7.3.48 Write Inquiry Scan Type command

7.3.49 Read Inquiry Mode command

7.3.50 Write Inquiry Mode command

7.3.51 Read Page Scan Type command

7.3.52 Write Page Scan Type command

7.3.53 Read AFH Channel Assessment Mode command

7.3.54 Write AFH Channel Assessment Mode command

7.3.55 Read Extended Inquiry Response command

7.3.56 Write Extended Inquiry Response command

7.3.57 Refresh Encryption Key command

7.3.58 Read Simple Pairing Mode command

7.3.59 Write Simple Pairing Mode command

7.3.60 Read Local OOB Data command

7.3.61 Read Inquiry Response Transmit Power Level command

7.3.62 Write Inquiry Transmit Power Level command

7.3.63 Send Keypress Notification command

7.3.64 Read Default Erroneous Data Reporting command

7.3.65 Write Default Erroneous Data Reporting command

7.3.66 Enhanced Flush command

7.3.69 Set Event Mask Page 2 command

7.3.72 Read Flow Control Mode command

7.3.73 Write Flow Control Mode command

7.3.74 Read Enhanced Transmit Power Level command

7.3.78 Read LE Host Support command

7.3.79 Write LE Host Support command

7.3.80 Set MWS Channel Parameters command

7.3.81 Set External Frame Configuration command

7.3.82 Set MWS Signaling command

7.3.83 Set MWS Transport Layer command

7.3.84 Set MWS Scan Frequency Table command

7.3.85 Set MWS_PATTERN Configuration command

7.3.86 Set Reserved LT_ADDR command

7.3.87 Delete Reserved LT_ADDR command

7.3.88 Set Connectionless Peripheral Broadcast Data command

7.3.89 Read Synchronization Train Parameters command

7.3.90 Write Synchronization Train Parameters command

7.3.91 Read Secure Connections Host Support command

7.3.92 Write Secure Connections Host Support command

7.3.93 Read Authenticated Payload Timeout command

7.3.94 Write Authenticated Payload Timeout command

7.3.95 Read Local OOB Extended Data command

7.3.96 Read Extended Page Timeout command

7.3.97 Write Extended Page Timeout command

7.3.98 Read Extended Inquiry Length command

7.3.99 Write Extended Inquiry Length command

7.3.100 Set Ecosystem Base Interval command

7.3.101 Configure Data Path command

7.3.102 Set Min Encryption Key Size command

7.4 Informational parameters

7.4.1 Read Local Version Information command

7.4.2 Read Local Supported Commands command

7.4.3 Read Local Supported Features command

7.4.4 Read Local Extended Features command

7.4.5 Read Buffer Size command

7.4.6 Read BD_ADDR command

7.4.7 Read Data Block Size command

7.4.8 Read Local Supported Codecs command

7.4.9 Read Local Simple Pairing Options command

7.4.10 Read Local Supported Codec Capabilities command

7.4.11 Read Local Supported Controller Delay command

7.5 Status parameters

7.5.1 Read Failed Contact Counter command

7.5.2 Reset Failed Contact Counter command

7.5.3 Read Link Quality command

7.5.4 Read RSSI command

7.5.5 Read AFH Channel Map command

7.5.6 Read Clock command

7.5.7 Read Encryption Key Size command

7.5.11 Get MWS Transport Layer Configuration command

7.5.12 Set Triggered Clock Capture command

7.6 Testing commands

7.6.1 Read Loopback Mode command

7.6.2 Write Loopback Mode command

7.6.3 Enable Device Under Test Mode command

7.6.4 Write Simple Pairing Debug Mode command

7.6.8 Write Secure Connections Test Mode command

7.7 Events

7.7.1 Inquiry Complete event

7.7.2 Inquiry Result event

7.7.3 Connection Complete event

7.7.4 Connection Request event

7.7.5 Disconnection Complete event

7.7.6 Authentication Complete event

7.7.7 Remote Name Request Complete event

7.7.8 Encryption Change event

7.7.9 Change Connection Link Key Complete event

7.7.10 Link Key Type Changed event

7.7.11 Read Remote Supported Features Complete event

7.7.12 Read Remote Version Information Complete event

7.7.13 QoS Setup Complete event

7.7.14 Command Complete event

7.7.15 Command Status event

7.7.16 Hardware Error event

7.7.17 Flush Occurred event

7.7.18 Role Change event

7.7.19 Number Of Completed Packets event

7.7.20 Mode Change event

7.7.21 Return Link Keys event

7.7.22 PIN Code Request event

7.7.23 Link Key Request event

7.7.24 Link Key Notification event

7.7.25 Loopback Command event

7.7.26 Data Buffer Overflow event

7.7.27 Max Slots Change event

7.7.28 Read Clock Offset Complete event

7.7.29 Connection Packet Type Changed event

7.7.30 QoS Violation event

7.7.31 Page Scan Repetition Mode Change event

7.7.32 Flow Specification Complete event

7.7.33 Inquiry Result with RSSI event

7.7.34 Read Remote Extended Features Complete event

7.7.35 Synchronous Connection Complete event

7.7.36 Synchronous Connection Changed event

7.7.37 Sniff Subrating event

7.7.38 Extended Inquiry Result event

7.7.39 Encryption Key Refresh Complete event

7.7.40 IO Capability Request event

7.7.41 IO Capability Response event

7.7.42 User Confirmation Request event

7.7.43 User Passkey Request event

7.7.44 Remote OOB Data Request event

7.7.45 Simple Pairing Complete event

7.7.46 Link Supervision Timeout Changed event

7.7.47 Enhanced Flush Complete event

7.7.48 User Passkey Notification event

7.7.49 Keypress Notification event

7.7.50 Remote Host Supported Features Notification event

7.7.59 Number Of Completed Data Blocks event

7.7.65 LE Meta event LE Connection Complete event LE Advertising Report event LE Connection Update Complete event LE Read Remote Features Complete event LE Long Term Key Request event LE Remote Connection Parameter Request event LE Data Length Change event LE Read Local P-256 Public Key Complete event LE Generate DHKey Complete event LE Enhanced Connection Complete event LE Directed Advertising Report event LE PHY Update Complete event LE Extended Advertising Report event LE Periodic Advertising Sync Established event LE Periodic Advertising Report event LE Periodic Advertising Sync Lost event LE Scan Timeout event LE Advertising Set Terminated event LE Scan Request Received event LE Channel Selection Algorithm event LE Connectionless IQ Report event LE Connection IQ Report event LE CTE Request Failed event LE Periodic Advertising Sync Transfer Received event LE CIS Established event LE CIS Request event LE Create BIG Complete event LE Terminate BIG Complete event LE BIG Sync Established event LE BIG Sync Lost event LE Request Peer SCA Complete event LE Path Loss Threshold event LE Transmit Power Reporting event LE BIGInfo Advertising Report event LE Subrate Change event LE Periodic Advertising Subevent Data Request event LE Periodic Advertising Response Report event

7.7.66 Triggered Clock Capture event

7.7.67 Synchronization Train Complete event

7.7.68 Synchronization Train Received event

7.7.69 Connectionless Peripheral Broadcast Receive event

7.7.70 Connectionless Peripheral Broadcast Timeout event

7.7.71 Truncated Page Complete event

7.7.72 Peripheral Page Response Timeout event

7.7.73 Connectionless Peripheral Broadcast Channel Map Change event

7.7.74 Inquiry Response Notification event

7.7.75 Authenticated Payload Timeout Expired event

7.7.76 SAM Status Change event

7.8 LE Controller commands

7.8.1 LE Set Event Mask command

7.8.2 LE Read Buffer Size command

7.8.3 LE Read Local Supported Features command

7.8.4 LE Set Random Address command

7.8.5 LE Set Advertising Parameters command

7.8.6 LE Read Advertising Physical Channel Tx Power command

7.8.7 LE Set Advertising Data command

7.8.8 LE Set Scan Response Data command

7.8.9 LE Set Advertising Enable command

7.8.10 LE Set Scan Parameters command

7.8.11 LE Set Scan Enable command

7.8.12 LE Create Connection command

7.8.13 LE Create Connection Cancel command

7.8.14 LE Read Filter Accept List Size command

7.8.15 LE Clear Filter Accept List command

7.8.16 LE Add Device To Filter Accept List command

7.8.17 LE Remove Device From Filter Accept List command

7.8.18 LE Connection Update command

7.8.19 LE Set Host Channel Classification command

7.8.20 LE Read Channel Map command

7.8.21 LE Read Remote Features command

7.8.22 LE Encrypt command

7.8.23 LE Rand command

7.8.24 LE Enable Encryption command

7.8.25 LE Long Term Key Request Reply command

7.8.26 LE Long Term Key Request Negative Reply command

7.8.27 LE Read Supported States command

7.8.28 LE Receiver Test command

7.8.29 LE Transmitter Test command

7.8.30 LE Test End command

7.8.31 LE Remote Connection Parameter Request Reply command

7.8.32 LE Remote Connection Parameter Request Negative Reply command

7.8.33 LE Set Data Length command

7.8.34 LE Read Suggested Default Data Length command

7.8.35 LE Write Suggested Default Data Length command

7.8.36 LE Read Local P-256 Public Key command

7.8.37 LE Generate DHKey command

7.8.38 LE Add Device To Resolving List command

7.8.39 LE Remove Device From Resolving List command

7.8.40 LE Clear Resolving List command

7.8.41 LE Read Resolving List Size command

7.8.42 LE Read Peer Resolvable Address command

7.8.43 LE Read Local Resolvable Address command

7.8.44 LE Set Address Resolution Enable command

7.8.45 LE Set Resolvable Private Address Timeout command

7.8.46 LE Read Maximum Data Length command

7.8.47 LE Read PHY command

7.8.48 LE Set Default PHY command

7.8.49 LE Set PHY command

7.8.52 LE Set Advertising Set Random Address command

7.8.53 LE Set Extended Advertising Parameters command

7.8.54 LE Set Extended Advertising Data command

7.8.55 LE Set Extended Scan Response Data command

7.8.56 LE Set Extended Advertising Enable command

7.8.57 LE Read Maximum Advertising Data Length command

7.8.58 LE Read Number of Supported Advertising Sets command

7.8.59 LE Remove Advertising Set command

7.8.60 LE Clear Advertising Sets command

7.8.61 LE Set Periodic Advertising Parameters command

7.8.62 LE Set Periodic Advertising Data command

7.8.63 LE Set Periodic Advertising Enable command

7.8.64 LE Set Extended Scan Parameters command

7.8.65 LE Set Extended Scan Enable command

7.8.66 LE Extended Create Connection command

7.8.67 LE Periodic Advertising Create Sync command

7.8.68 LE Periodic Advertising Create Sync Cancel command

7.8.69 LE Periodic Advertising Terminate Sync command

7.8.70 LE Add Device To Periodic Advertiser List command

7.8.71 LE Remove Device From Periodic Advertiser List command

7.8.72 LE Clear Periodic Advertiser List command

7.8.73 LE Read Periodic Advertiser List Size command

7.8.74 LE Read Transmit Power command

7.8.75 LE Read RF Path Compensation command

7.8.76 LE Write RF Path Compensation command

7.8.77 LE Set Privacy Mode command

7.8.80 LE Set Connectionless CTE Transmit Parameters command

7.8.81 LE Set Connectionless CTE Transmit Enable command

7.8.82 LE Set Connectionless IQ Sampling Enable command

7.8.83 LE Set Connection CTE Receive Parameters command

7.8.84 LE Set Connection CTE Transmit Parameters command

7.8.85 LE Connection CTE Request Enable command

7.8.86 LE Connection CTE Response Enable command

7.8.87 LE Read Antenna Information command

7.8.88 LE Set Periodic Advertising Receive Enable command

7.8.89 LE Periodic Advertising Sync Transfer command

7.8.90 LE Periodic Advertising Set Info Transfer command

7.8.91 LE Set Periodic Advertising Sync Transfer Parameters command

7.8.92 LE Set Default Periodic Advertising Sync Transfer Parameters command

7.8.94 LE Modify Sleep Clock Accuracy command

7.8.96 LE Read ISO TX Sync command

7.8.97 LE Set CIG Parameters command

7.8.98 LE Set CIG Parameters Test command

7.8.99 LE Create CIS command

7.8.100 LE Remove CIG command

7.8.101 LE Accept CIS Request command

7.8.102 LE Reject CIS Request command

7.8.103 LE Create BIG command

7.8.104 LE Create BIG Test command

7.8.105 LE Terminate BIG command

7.8.106 LE BIG Create Sync command

7.8.107 LE BIG Terminate Sync command

7.8.108 LE Request Peer SCA command

7.8.109 LE Setup ISO Data Path command

7.8.110 LE Remove ISO Data Path command

7.8.111 LE ISO Transmit Test command

7.8.112 LE ISO Receive Test command

7.8.113 LE ISO Read Test Counters command

7.8.114 LE ISO Test End command

7.8.115 LE Set Host Feature command

7.8.116 LE Read ISO Link Quality command

7.8.117 LE Enhanced Read Transmit Power Level command

7.8.118 LE Read Remote Transmit Power Level command

7.8.119 LE Set Path Loss Reporting Parameters command

7.8.120 LE Set Path Loss Reporting Enable command

7.8.121 LE Set Transmit Power Reporting Enable command

7.8.122 LE Set Data Related Address Changes command

7.8.123 LE Set Default Subrate command

7.8.124 LE Subrate Request command

7.8.125 LE Set Periodic Advertising Subevent Data command

7.8.126 LE Set Periodic Advertising Response Data command

7.8.127 LE Set Periodic Sync Subevent command

Appendix B Removed commands and events


102 2-34-01诸佛二种加持力思维导图

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