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《Mental Math》读书笔记思维导图

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树图思维导图提供 《Mental Math》读书笔记思维导图 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 《Mental Math》读书笔记思维导图  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:e98c0d90c02a9a8558f7c2315249cd91


Mental Math思维导图模板大纲

Math in Head

Adding number from Left to Right

Multiplication Table

11 ~ 20 tables

18 X 8 == 80 add 64 = 144

two digit multiple : b/w 11 to 20 only

1st step

Step 2

1 ~ 10 tables

1 & 10 can be 1st eliminated

9 has two theory

1st digit less by 1 of multiplying no

adding product's digits to 9

5 ends with 0 or 5

2 can be done by basic addition

3 & 4 using "Count by 3 / 4 faster n faster"

Reduces to 3 X 3 matrix

Constantly Simplify

Mutliply the Left most number

Calculate left to right

It gives you estimate of answer

Multiply by 11

2 digit by 11

2 digit, with digit's sum more than 9

3 Digit by 11

4 digit by 11

Squaring number


Easiest square "5"

Ends with 25

1st digit multiply be "1 digit added 1"

Can be applied for 3 digit numbers too


Left to Right rule is important

Add the biggest number

Same for bigger numbers too

Using the compliment of Number

Three ways of Subtraction

Subtraction 1

Subtraction 2

Avoid Remainder

Biggest to smallest


tens digit add to "9"

ones digit add to "10"

Using compliment to subtract

Compliments have same theory as calculated for 1000, 10000, etc

Remember, when ending with "0" above rule is doesn't hold

Money change calculation

Using compliment


Paise adds to "100"

Rupees add to "99"

Go forth & multiply

Simplification is Core

Multiplying 2 / 3 digit numbers 1 digit

Base for 2 by 2 digit / 3by3 digit

Tiangle problem



distributive law

Factoring method 2by2

Divide & Conquer

When does number divides evenly


Divisible by 7 is complicated

Whether multiple of 7

Create a zero & kill a zero

Divisible by 4

Divisible by 8

Divisible by 3

Divisible by 9

Divisible by 11

Divisible by 6

Divisible by 12

Division procedure

div by 1

div by 2 : two procedure

Usual Procedure

Negative remainder method - Overshooting

divide n rule

Doubling both num & denom, will keep answer same

Double & kill 0

Playing with decimal numbers

Converting fraction to decimal

When denominator is below 11 it is easy

fraction of 7 is trickiest

1/7 = 0.142857 (repeated

This is damn interesting

Further support for above circle to locate start point

Decimal expansion: 2, 3, 4, 5

Expansion of 6, 8

For 10, it is automatic

If 1/9 = 0.111 remaining follow

similar to 9, 1/11 = 0.0909


Rounding procedure

Helpful in grocery store

Both for adding & subtracting

Rounding to 1000s or 100s

Precision increases


General rule of thumb

Product of initial digit decides the answers no of digits

Using Words to get Digits


Order of Magnitude

To find the exact no of digit, compare the 1st digits of the number

If the 1st Digits are same, then 2nd digit needs comparison

Example : Light's Speed

Physical Estimation

It is better to know your body dimensions

Tax calculation when tax% is not whole #

Guestimate for whole# tax%

Then divide answer by 8

15% restaurant tip

Calculate 10% then divide it by 2

Add that to get 15%

Pinky to Thumb = 20 cm or 8 inch

Measuring a table dimension with your fingers

Error Estimation using x X y / z, refer course for problem

Money Estimation

EMI Calc

Formula for accurate calc


Quite a huge explanation, but here is a formula

Rule of 70

70 / 3

where 3% is the rate

Square root estimation

Perfect Vs Imperfect Squares

Some applications

Triangle Hypotnuse

Margin of Error in Satistics

Finding Square roots

Locating the approximate square root

Then increasing precision

Finalising answer

Math on Paper

Adding column of Numbers

Right to Left

Ability to chek : bottom to top

Subtracting with compliments

Do the Cents & then Dollars

1st Usage of Compliment : in "E-services"

2nd Usage of Compliment : "Odd & Ends"

mutliplying on Paper

It takes 5 Steps for 3 digit No pair

Casting Out nines

Can be used to check additions/Multiplications/subtraction

Remove 9's wherever you see

Close together method

How far each number is from 100

Procedure above 100

If below 100 then

abv n blw 100

It can be near any number with "0" at end

Close 2 1000 , multiply

It takes 7 steps for a 4 digit no pair

all digits in each number is multiplied atleast once

It was introduced by Fibbonacci

Digit Sum Check

Vedic Division

Carry over issue

Mental Multiplication

Addition Method

Subtraction Method

Factoring Method

There are multiple ways to factor

Using Math of Least resistance

Close-together Method


Vedic Division

Mathematical & Algebraic Shortcuts

Digits in Answer generates further digits

4 methods

Long Division : Usual Method

Vedic Division

Best number suitable is number ending with "9"

Memory Division : Divide n Conquer Lecture

Short Division : Not thought in Schools

Shrort division


Vedic Division Divided by number ending with "9"

Used when the divisor ends with high numbers


Adding/subtracting the Quotient

Reminder Step

If the quotient has carry

Number that ends with other numbers

Instead of adding the quotient directly, we have multiplier

depending whether you go down or up, the adding or subtracting needs to be done

The divisor is rounded to nearest number ending with "0"

Calendar Calculation

There is a code for each part of the date

Code for Year 2000 : 0

- Your B'day adds by one every another year - For the leap year you jump to next number - Since we are subtracting multiples of 7 in

Code for the month


Mnemonics & Major System

Major System


1st half year

2nd half year

Code for Week is

How days got their name

Formula for Day calculation

another example

Finding the 1st monday

Advanced Multiplication

Squaring 3 digit no

Be ready with 2 digit squares upto 50

Easiest 3 Digit no : 108

Slightly Tougher 3 digit squaring

Very Tough 3 digit Squaring

Getting the UP/Down no in this method

4 digit Squaring

In Cls together method you will not push away more than 500

Always say out the biggest number after 1st step of this method

Bring in mnemonics

Excellent approximation of Cube of 43

Estimate by 40 X 40 X 40 : not very better

Balanced cube approximation

You can go down also

Cube requirement can arise @ unlikely places

You can multiplication methods to simplify squaring

Masters of Mental Math

Benford's Law

The prevalence of finding #1

All numbers are not created equal

The course made you to give numbers extra thought

Cubes 1~10

will help you find cube root of numbers

Look @ 1000s

Look at last digit of the #

To get into guiness book, 13th root of 100 digit number needs to be calculated



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树图思维导图提供 《红岩》读后感 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 《红岩》读后感  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:fae9dee624385bf678f78c8507b43d4e