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英文辞职信 读书思维导图

叹黄昏 浏览量:42023-04-20 19:30:28
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英文辞职信 读书思维导图模板大纲

在你宣布告终你的工作之前,辞职报告也不能马虎。不管你之前工作有多出色,如果在工作结束之时我们马马虎虎对待离职所必须办理的手续,那么我们就会给别人留下一个龙头蛇尾的印象,那么之前努力所营造的优秀工作人员的形象就会毁于一旦。所以小编建议您上专业的网站查看辞职报告样本,经过一番参考比较之后,然后选出最适合自己的辞职报告 样本。出国留学辞职报告范文网很乐意为大家服务。(本文为你提供辞职报告范本两篇。)


Hello everyone,

Time flies.It's been almost three years plus since I was employed with much pleasure to work for *.Working with you all has been a nice experience.So many friends and so much joys.

As some of you already know,this is gonna be my last day here in *,I want you all to know that I am truly leaving here with mixed feelings,happy about the new career opportunity but sad to be leaving such a great company.

I really appreciate your support for my job in the last three years plus,please pardon me if during this period of time I do not meet up with your expectation or requirements.Besides,I here should sincerely thank Mr.AB,Mr.TH,but most of all I thank Mr.WangC,my direct supervisor,for giving me the very precious opportunity to justify myself as a creature helpful indeed.My thanks also goes to Mr.Jeans Pierre Herman,my master,who has been so kind and easy to communicate with and very very helpful.After I leave the office,Mr SunXH,our new colleague,will continue to serve you in my position.He can be reached at the E-mail address *.

Thank you so much for your patience,understanding and time.

Wish * a better future.Wish you all success in the future and have a great day ahead.

Please keep in touch,I can be reached at my personal E-mail address *or via my handphone - *.





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