英文设计自己名片范文格式 第一篇Mr. Brian Johnathan sun B: Mr. Sun, I'd like you to meet Mr.Johnathan Mitchell, sales manager of Canada's northern reflections company S: It's n...
树图思维导图提供 英文设计自己名片范文格式精选6篇 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 英文设计自己名片范文格式精选6篇 进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:ac3065b2a27d598cbe18917cbc2450e8
Mr. Brian Johnathan sun B: Mr. Sun, I'd like you to meet Mr.
Johnathan Mitchell, sales manager of Canada's northern reflections company S: It's nice to finally meet you. Mr. Mitchell has made so many phone calls and faxes.
I'd like you to take my business card. Mitchell J: Thank you very much. Mr.
Sun, please accept my business card (show his own card), please call me Jonathon (look at the card for a few seconds, then put it in your wallet, not in your pocket) if you don't mind, John Nathan, I'd like to check the schedule of the meeting when you meet Mr. Sun. Johnathan J: of course you have everything, Brian Brian S: (looking at Brian) you'll see that Mr.
taylerbian is a force to be reckoned with in apex tradig briantayer, Brian apex B: Thank you for your vote of confidence, Mr. Sun. I'll be right back (out of the room) J: he looks like a top-notch young man, and it's hard to find such talents and enthusiasm: don't I know what he's done for us, please call me Steven J: Steven, can you tell me simply what the retail market in Taiwan looks like? Steven s: Well, with the increasing per capita income, it's hard to find such talents and enthusiasm J: the retail industry here is developing towards high-end.
The growth rate of Taiwan is certainly faster than I thought. S: Yes, since I was a child, the situation has indeed changed. We have developed very fast.
J: do you think this trend will continue? I don't understand why we do have some problems, but we are still willing to work hard. I have talked too much with the boss of a new club. I don't think he has a good relationship with the boss of a new club.
The development trend of the new company in the future is a force that can not be ignored. I don't know if you say the discount rate is too low. I don't know, Bob told us simply What happened at the managers' meeting, Bob growth department, leisure and entertainment industry is a growth sector in Taiwan.
BrianJohnathan Sun B先生:孙先生,我想请您见见加拿大Nortern Reflections公司的销售经理Johnathan Mitchell先生(Sun先伸出手来,Mitchell握手)Mitchell先生,Steven Sun先生,Apex Trading Northern Reflections的总经理Jonathan Mitchell,Steven,Apex S:很高兴终于见到您,米切尔先生打了那么多电话和传真(先出示名片)我想让你拿我的名片。米切尔J:非常感谢,孙先生请接受我的名片(出示他自己的名片),请叫我约纳森(两人先看几秒钟名片,然后放在钱包里不要口袋里)如果你不介意的话,约翰纳森,当你和孙先生认识的时候,我想检查一下会面的安排Johnathan J:你当然掌握了一切,Brian Brian S:(看着Brian)你会发现taylerbian先生是Apex Tradig briantayer不可忽视的力量,BrianApex B:谢谢你的信任投票,孙先生我马上回来(离开房间)J:他孙先生看起来是个一流的年轻人,很难找到这样的人才和热情:难道我不知道他为我们做的很好,请叫我史蒂文J:史蒂文,你能简单地告诉我台湾零售市场是什么样的吗史蒂文S:嗯,随着人均收入的不断提高,增长部门似乎正在走向高端,J:这里的零售业正在向高档化发展,台湾的增长速度肯定比我想象的要快S:是的,从我小时候起,情况确实发生了变化,我们发展得很快J:你认为这一趋势还会继续吗?我不明白为什么我们确实有一些问题,但我们仍然愿意努力工作我和一个新来的俱乐部的老板谈得太多了,我觉得他和一个新来的俱乐部的老板关系不大好新公司未来的发展趋势是一股不可忽视的力量,我不知道你说贴现率太低了,我不知道,鲍勃简单地告诉我们,在经理会议上发生了什么,鲍勃增长部门,休闲娱乐业是一个增长部门台湾。
副市长 deputy mayor; 副秘书长 deputy secretary-general; (银行的)副总裁 deputy-governor; 副书记 deputy secretary; 副主任 deputy director或deputy chief; 副处长 deputy division chief; 副科长 deputy section chief; 副会长 deputy chairman; 副厂长 deputy general manager; 副总领事 deputy consul-general; 大学副校长 deputy president; 学院副院长 deputy dean; 小学副校长 deputy headmaster 等。
My robot last night, I had a beautiful dream. I was very excited that a robot came to my home. I called her pink because she was wearing a pink skirt.
She did all my work in the house. She cleaned my house, cleaned the floor, made my bed, cooked and handled my homework. Whenever I asked her, she did everything she could, and she never complained She has physical problems and doesn't need to rest for a few days.
I'm glad that she has been serving me all day. Suddenly, my dear pink disappears in my tears. I find a message saying: my dear friend, I'm not a real girl.
I'm treated as if I didn't feel it, but in fact I want to be free and play like a real girl, but in your house, I may I feel like I'm being treated as a maid, regardless of anyone. I think I'm hurt. Goodbye, my little master.
Oh, I'm sorry for what I did before pink. You're right. I should treat you as my real friend.
Remember, robots are also human beings.
1.广东省广州市 正确的写法是Guangzhou, Guangdong Province,少数情况下可以略作Guangzhou, Guangdong。 可以注意到,这方面的"规范"包括:与人名一样,"省"与"市"是两个部分,各作一个单词对待; 这些单词要大写第一个字母,在绝大多数情况下只大写第一个字母;遵循英语的写作习惯,采用"先小后大"的顺序,行政区划级别上小一些的在前,级别大的地名在后.
3.机场路999号 这个地址可以分为两个部分,一是"机场路",二是"999号"。"机场路"的英语写法应当是下列两者之一: No. 999 Jichang Road (或者No. 999 Jichang Rd)。 门牌号码使用阿拉伯数字写出号码即可,多数情况下在前面冠以No.即number的缩写;No.这个符号也有人写作"#"。
4.邮政编码 邮政编码应当是地址的一部分,无论汉语还是英语都是这样。邮政编码在英语版本里不能单独成为一行。规范的写法是放在省、市、自治区之后,又在国家名称之前,可以写成一行: Guangdong Province 510800 China 注意邮政编码的两端都没有逗号。
1、公司名称 2、公司LOGO 3、姓名 4、职位 5、办公地址 6、电话 / 传真 7、邮箱 8、其他社交联系方式
Zhang lan (姓名) English Professor,Dean of Academy Affairs (职位) Binhai International Business College (公司名) Address: Road/Street(看当地习惯选用),Binhai City (地址 Address / ADD) PC:116023 (邮编) Tel: (电话 Tel) Fax: (传真 Fax) E-mail:fli603@263@com (电子邮箱 E-mail) Mobile:153338988XX (电话 Mobile / MOB)
One day, Mr. Wang was on his way to the airport. He was very happy that he could travel.
But when he arrived at the airport, he found his ID card missing. When he was upset, a foreigner gave him a business card. This is his ID card.
He was very happy and friendly to foreigners.
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