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考研英语大作文范文 第1篇在这个阶段,建议广大考生要适当的加强阅读训练计划,也就要要找来一定数量的文章进行阅读,提高阅读的强度。但是要注意,找_阅读_是有一定的讲究的,不能盲目的阅读,同学们应该在完成上面的词汇和语法之后再进行这个阶段。

树图思维导图提供 考研英语大作文范文(6篇) 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 考研英语大作文范文(6篇)  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:af32525aeee3a593a009f26ae9933a8e



考研英语大作文范文 第1篇



考研英语大作文范文 第2篇


应用文的大作文的一个很大区别就是重格式,规律性强。格式和套路不对,一般会给阅卷老师留下很不好的印象。例如:信件一般不需要题目,通知和告示却需要,如20xx年的题目Volunteers wanted。不只题目,还有客套话以及署名等。例如:公务信函中的称呼,一般而言,如果是不认识的人,称呼为敬词+尊称。例如,Dear Sir or Madam 或To whom it may concern;如果是写给关系正式的某团体中的具体人,称呼为敬词+尊称+名。例如,Dear Mr. xx或Dear Ms. xx;对于关系较亲密的人可以直呼其名(Dear)Peter等。这都是有规律可循的。






应用文的这一个特点,仍然是和它的套路性、格式化有关。因此,我们更加需要用词的准确性。需要我们对于一些语言的语体特点(genre features)进行区分。以免让词汇的语体影响到准确性。写给机构的信函,应该避免使用太口语化的语言。例如06年是写给一个机构的申请信,而08年是写给友人的私人信件,那么在这两年的应用文写作中,就要求使用不同的语言。从称呼到正文部分,08年的文章用词都可以更口语化和随意一些。正因为这种套路的稳定性,对于同等基础的考生来讲,这部分很难达到技压群雄的效果,很难拉开和别人的距离。也就是说,对于所有的考生来说,得10分不容易,但是得2分甚至4分也很不容易。

考研英语大作文范文 第3篇

This cartoon depicts an ironic scene: a man is walking dangerously on a wire with a pole in his hand. On one end of the pole hangs a box which is named _the convenience of jobs_ while on the other end hangs a box which is labelled_illegal profits_. The man is trying hard to reach the end of the wire, where a piece of papar is attached which says _you should be responsible for what you have done. _ However, the man believes that he will not be blamed since he has taken just a little. The sobering aspect of this cartoon is corruption always happens on those who think they are the lucky ones.

Human nature being what it is, most people have a kind of fluke mind that they may not be punished since the amount they take illegally is small. However, this idea could not be more wrong in our contemporary society. Let's assume that all the government officials in China hold this idea. If this assumption comes true, it will definitely exert a butterfly effect: the appetite of these officials will become even bigger. The amount of money they take may end up as astronomical figures. One day their behavior will be revealed as severe crime and they will spend the rest of their lives in jail.

So it can be justified without any exaggeration that when we look at the consequences of curruption, we may find it very difficult to assess the costs. But these costs can be very considerable and may even hurl the whole society system into a occurs to many that the most effective solution is to appeal to the authorities, or to take legal means. But that is just a passive wayand only works on extreme cases. Therefore, I recommend that massive media, school education and family cultivation should be activated to call for self-discipline on this matter.




考研英语大作文范文 第4篇

Dear John,

I have just heard the news that you propose to organize an end-to-the-term party. I support your plan, because after a term of painstaking study, we deserve and need a recreation to relax and to gather together, sharing our joy and hardship in the past several months.

However, seeing that to hold a satisfying party is not an easy task, I think it’s necessary for me to help you. Having served the Student Union for three years, I have enough experience to help you prepare and organize the party, and I will do my best to offer my help. If you think it necessary, I will assist you in arranging the party according to the program I made last year when our Student Union held a similar party, and I will help you rent the classroom we need.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

考研英语大作文范文 第5篇

48. Directions:

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

考研英语大作文范文 第6篇

There is going to be a lecture, titled "Across Cultures: Communication and Digital Media", in the meeting room of the Chinese Literature Department from 9:00am to 11:00am on January 12, 2012. The lecture will be given by Professor Robert Neon, who is from the Department of English Literature of University of Columbia. Professor Neon is known for his unique probing into the connection between culture and information technology, and he will present his latest research discoveries to us, from which you will certainly benefit a lot.

If you are interested in the topic and intend to attend, please send your application via abc@. All the teachers and students are welcome to attend this lecture.

Chinese Literature Department



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