

谁相伴 浏览量:22023-03-08 01:32:55

农用地是一个十分复杂的自然、生态和社会复合体,是人类赖以生存的源泉。农用地具有资源和资产双重属性,但长期以来,人们对它价值的构成及价格评估的认识有着严重的不足,极大的阻碍了农村土地市场的繁荣和发展。 人们往往只注重农用地的经济生产功能而忽视其它方面的功能,不能完全体现农用地的价值。本文就是从农用地的功能分析入手,阐述了前人的价值观和农用地价值构成论。

树图思维导图提供 农用地价值构成与征地价格研究 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 农用地价值构成与征地价格研究  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:c0bf6ac2fef8debf7f29f9a8f8d4569a



在此基础上提出了农用地社会经济环境综合价值的概念,认为农用地除了具有经济生产功能外,还有社会保障功能、社会稳定功能、生态功能和其他功能,进而提出农用地价值由质量价值、社会保障价值、社会稳定价值、生态价值和其他价值五部分构成。 以农用地社会经济环境综合价值观为基础,根据农用地的五大功能,从农用地的产权和用途转变入手,针对不同的流转类型,构建了四种价格类型:即集体内流转价格、集体外流转价格、集体内转用价格、集体外征用价格。根据四类价格内涵差异,重新构建了包括自然质量价格、社会保障价格、社会稳定价格、生态价格和其他价格五部分为一体的农用地集体外征用价格测算体系,和以其为母版的其他的价格测算方法。

这五部分价格是整个价格体系的基础。农用地自然质量价格可以采用多种方法求取,为与农用地分等定级与估价工作嫁接,本文农用地自然质量价格直接采用农用地分等定级估价的成果——基准地价和修正系数表来计算;社会保障价格由过去只考虑养老保险价格扩展为由养老保险、医疗保险和就业保险三部分价格组成,并从总的社会保障价格中分离出了农用地对农民的社会保障价格;社会稳定价格依据替代原则,用耕地开垦费作为对占用耕地的恢复价值补偿,即农用地的社会稳定价格;农用地的生态价格由简单易行的绿地建造成本法来求得;提出了大区之间的地域地价修正系数和县域内的微观区位修正系数,增加了农用地价测算方法体系的外延性和普遍应用性。 以河北省栾城县为实例,验证了征地价格评估方法的可操作性和准确性,证明农用地的价格构成是正确的、符合实际的。

Arable land is complicated systems that consist of nature, ecology, society, and it is the source to exist for mankind. Arable land has double attributes of assets and resources. But for a long time, people didn"t realize its value composing and there is serious deficiency in the assessment, and this is also the great hindrance for the prosperity and development of rural land market.People often only pay attention the economic producing function of arable land and ignore its other functions, which can"t embodied arable land value completely. Based on analysis of the functions of arable land, and expatiation on the forefathers" arable land value theories and arable land value composing theories, we put forward the social economic environmental value concept for arable land .In this opinion,

there are social security function, social stabilization function, ecological function and other function besides economic producing function of arable land. And arable land value consists of five parts: social security value, social stabilization value, ecological value and other value.According to social economic environmental value of arable land, on the basis of five major functions of arable land, and in term of changing in property right and utilization of arable land, we classify four-type prices of arable land: delivery price in collectivity; delivery price out of collectivity; utilization transform price in collectivity; utilization transform price out of in collectivity. After grasping the connotation of the four-type price, we rebuilt the assessment system for expropriation price of land, which is made up of natural quality price, social security price, social stabilization price, ecological price and other price. We can also calculate other three- type price of arable land in according to the

expropriation price. These five prices are foundations of the whole pricing system. Natural quality price of arable land can be calculated by many kinds of methods. Considering the result of the grading and classification and assessment on arable land, natural quality price adopts corresponding basic price of arable land. Social security price of arable land extend from endowment insurance price to three parts: endowment insurance price, medical insurance price, and employment insurance price. What"s more, social security price of arable land is separated from all social security prices. Social stabilization price is calculated by computing the compensation of taking up the cultivated land. Ecological price is reckoned by the cost of building green land, which plays the same role like arable land. We also put forward region adjustment coefficient and micro position adjustmentcoefficient, which improves the application of that method.Using this method in Luancheng county of Hebei, the result proves the maneuverability and veracity of the new method.



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