树图思维导图提供 拓展中心句的方法 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 拓展中心句的方法 进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:58b45ad7bb543f21bfc105a2672b64d3
举例一 中心句:互联网的使用导致威胁隐私The usage of the internet do have a potentional cost with regard to loss of privacy.
解释原因:因为我们的浏览(使用)痕迹可以被像一些Google,facebook记录下来,并且我们无能为力 This is because everything that internet users do is recorded by companies such as Google s and Facebook,and there is not much that typical user can do to prevent it.
举例:互联网用户需要牢记的是他们的网页浏览和邮件记录都被保存下来,并且谷歌可能非常了解他们的浏览痕迹 For example,internet users should bear in mind that all of their emails and searshes are saved ,and Google might konw more about their daily activities.
就Facebook而言,它的用户非常开心(愿意)地去展示自己的生活,即便这些信息已经被记录了下来 As for facebook,its users seem satisified to reveal their friends and families as well as their daily activies,even though their private information has been stored definitely.
结尾:如果这些被落入不法分子手中,将会给我们的隐私带来极大的威胁 If it fell into the wrong hands,it could represent a real threat to people's privacy.
举例二 中心句:鼓励学生给老师打分会提升教学质量(两个原因+收益) Encouraging students to criticize to grade their teachers contributes to improving teaching quality.
原因:因为学生们的建议会帮助老师了解到自己教学的问题this is partly because complaints from the former help the latter to become aware of the defects in their teaching methods.
举例:如果大部分学生抱怨综合英语课太难了,那么老师就应该减慢讲课语速或者做更多的解释来进行调整 If a large proportion of students complain about the difficulty of comprehension English class.The teacher will improve the situation by making explanation or slowing down the pace of learning.
原因二:一些重要的决定诸如评优,涨工资,以及晋升都是基于这些评价的,所以老师应该认真的对待学生的评价,并且尽力解决这些问题 Apart from that,as important decisions including merit reviews,pay rises,and promoltions are based in part on these evaluations,teachers must treat these feedback in their teaching,such as spending more time helping students with their homework.
中心句:早上学对孩子的好处 Another advantage of going to school at an early age is that children develop faster(at an astounding rate) socially.
他们可以交更多朋友,同时学习如何与年龄相仿的其他孩子相处 They are able to built a wide circle of friends and learn how to get on well with other children of similiar age.
在家里这些能力便不会形成,因为通常都是独生子,或者因为他们的兄弟姐妹们比他们大的多或者小得多 This is often not possible at home because they are the only child ,or because their brothers or sisters are older or younger.
例如:科技有利于保留传统的生活方式Technology can positively contribute to the keep alive of traditional skills and ways of life.
For example,the populations of some islands are too small to have normal schools.Rather than breaking up families by sending children to the mainland,education authorities have been able to use the internet to deliver schooling online.
The internet,and modern refrigeration techniques,are being used to keep alive the traditional skills of producing salmon,because it can now ordered from and delivered to anywhere in the worid.
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