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chapert 3 Morphological Structure of English Words思维导图

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chapert 3 Morphological Structure of English Words

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chapert 3 Morphological Structure of English Words思维导图模板大纲

Morphemes:the minimal meaningful units are known

Morphs and Allomoprphs

morpheme 由morph实现

an allomorph refers to a member of a set of morphs, which repersent one morpheme

Classifying Morhpemes:free vs bound, derivational vs inflectional, lexical vs grammatical

free and bound morphemes

morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are free

morphemes which cannit occur as separate words are bound

derivational and inflectional morphemes

dervivational:morphemes which are used to derive new words are known as derivational 造句的

inflectional:indicate the syntactic relationships between words and function as grammatical markets 造词的

content and grammatical morpheme

Identifying Morphemes

Morphemization and New Morphemes

morphemization is the process of creating a morpheme using a worf, or part of a word


new morphemes are created in 2 way, one is through clipping and the other is using an old form as a morpheme

Morpheme and Word Formation


inflectional affixes like -s. -ed

derivational affixes like pre-, ex-, de-

root, stem, base

root:the basic form of a word

stem:may consist of a single root morpheme as in iorn or 2 roott morphemes as in a compound like handcuff

is used only when we deal with inflectional affixes

base:an all-purpose term, can be a root or a stem




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3A Unit 1 A Proper Job思维导图

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