300英雄里,白井黑子的所有台词?平时走路说的几句话是 “真是没有办法呢”
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平时走路说的几句话是 "真是没有办法呢" "哎呀不好了,快点走吧" "你说的是什么意思呢?"
Hear me, I speak for the shades!听我说,我的颜色!I am the messenger of those gone by.我那些逝去的信使。I am the medium between the worlds!我的世界之间的介质!As the shades direct.随着夜色直接。I accept your guidance.我接受你的指导。The bones are thrown.扔骨头。Make your peace.让你变和平。A fine form for you.你的好形式。Care for some company?关心一些公司吗?You're not going anywhere.你哪儿也不去。Keep an eye on that one.保持一个眼睛上的那一个。Hah-heh, my minions multiply!哈哈哈,我的手下乘!Heh, let's up the head count.嘿,让我们增加头数。 Ah, feel the power!啊,感觉力量!My prayers are answered.我的祈祷得到了回应。If I need a new spirit guide, I might give you a call.如果我需要一个新的精神为指导,我会打电话给你。I see for you a future full of death!我看到您充满死亡的未来!Death is not the end, but it might as well be.死亡不是结束,但它可能是。Get along to the great gone by.来大个的了。You're over the hills!你在山上!I am not yet worthy to go beyond the hills.我不值得去山那边。To my ancestors, I return.我的祖先,我回来。A view from the final hill.从最终的山的一个观点。I join the great gone by.我加入了伟大的过去了。In death, I learn life's mysteries!在死亡中,我学会了生活的奥秘!From my shadow guide, I bear a message of death for my enemies.从我的影子指南,我忍受死亡的消息我的仇敌。Like a shade pulled over their eyes.像一个阴影遮住自己的眼睛。It is not yet time.这是没有时间。以上资料来自: