

U534561445 浏览量:232023-05-16 14:36:22


树图思维导图提供 Ethics 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 Ethics  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:f3b6be26470e938aa84d25a566d53125





law society

represent solicitors and lobby government, but not regulate solicitor who is a member of law society

SRA solicitors regulation authority

warn about future conduct

impose fine

impose condition on individual solicitor

intervene in and close solicitor's firm

refer matter to Solicitors disciplinary tribunal

SDT solicitors disciplinary tribunal

hearing applications against misconduct

can strike solicitors off the roll

legal services board

overarching regulator

legal ombudsman

deal with complaints from individual and small company

require lawyer to apologise

compensation up to 50,000


7 mandatory principles (very general)

when conflict, which safeguard wider public interest prevail


obligation to provide reasonable adjustment to ensure disable client or employee not placed at a substantial disadvantage

direct and indirect discrimination

direct: no justification

indirect: discriminator may try to justify the discrimination by showing its proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim

court: is there another less discriminatory way?


not mislead unpresented parties

keep silent when client misleads is also misleading


promise you or third party will do something

personally bound

best practice

given by solicitor (even staff can give, but better not)

in writing

with client's express authority

recorded on file

SRA, LEO, SDT do not have power to enforce, but will sanction against solicitor


court proceedings

can compensate witness but cannot relate it with case outcome

must not waste court's time - statement need to be properly arguable

must provide court with relevant case even if not in your favor

service client

if instructed by person other than client, need to investigation if necessary

if instruction unclear, obliged to protect clients best interests

if receive financial benefit, should account to client unless client agree otherwise

cannot hold clients money personally

referral and introduction

referral fee must inform client

prohibited relating criminal proceedings

prohibited re personal damage or death

separate business

owned or controlled by you, clients consent required

insurance on reserved legal activities in non-commercial body

reserved legal activities: right of audience, litigation, prepare estate instruments, probate, notary, admin of oath

compliance officer

for legal practice

for finance and admin



own interest conflict

between solicitor/firm and client

absolute bar, no exception (rarely: gift in will, with independent advice)

conflict of interest -between client


substantially common interest exception: clients have clear common purpose and a strong consensus

competing for the same objective exception

condition on exception

clients give consent in writing

place effective safeguard to protect clients interest - only for sophisticated clients (big companies)

professional embarrassment: no conflict but cannot act in clients best interests

not conflict: general business interests, e.g. clients in same industry

what to do

conflict arise during retainer: can continue but duty of confidentiality is at risk

limited retainer: only do part of work

duty of confidentiality


solicitor is being used by client to perpetrate fraud

statutory duty or requirment

court order or police warrant

justified breach

prevent commit criminal offence result in serious bodily harm

client is to commit suicide or serious self-harm

protect child or vulnerable adult

legal profession privilege

different conception

scope is narrower than duty of confidentiality, which apply to all confidential information

absolute right, not revealed even in court proceedings. cannot disclose it even if not breach duty of confidentiality

duty of disclosure

inform client of all information material to the retainer


client consent in writing

disclosure will cause serious physical or mental injury

interests of national security or prevention of crime, e.g. money laundry

privileged documents mistakenly disclosed to you

conflict with confidentiality

if A has an interest adverse to B, B is client or former client, B's confidential information is material to A's matter

exception: cannot act unless 1. B give consent; 2. effective measure taken preventing risk of disclosure B's information to A

cooperation with SRA


information (solicitor)

you are subject to criminal charge. conviction, caution

relevant insolvency event occurs relating to you

material change of your practice information

information -frim

serious financial difficulty of firm

insolvency event relating to firm

intend to cease business

change of information recorded in register

material change of firm information


you reasonably believe that any person's serious breach occur not might occur

even if involve disclosure of confidential information - when conflict, wider public interest to be protected

serious breach

abuse of trust


taking unfair advantage of client or others

misuse of client money

sexual or violent misconduct

criminal behavior

indirect report

you may report to firm's COLP or COFA

you generally do not require to check if COLP made a report. however, if you may report direct to SRA is not satisfied CO


inform client they have right to complain to LeO

settle in 8 weeks, otherwise inform client that you cannot settle complaint


cannot advertise your service in a targeted or intrusive way

transparency rules

display price for



motor offences


employment tribunal

licensing application



树图思维导图提供 泰国仲裁协会职业准则(英文本) 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 泰国仲裁协会职业准则(英文本)  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:51f9641e90049751b0a5928ef85de3ec


树图思维导图提供 法理学-法律原则的分类 在线思维导图免费制作,点击“编辑”按钮,可对 法理学-法律原则的分类  进行在线思维导图编辑,本思维导图属于思维导图模板主题,文件编号是:6f9df102f60f89f9147f4131be9e39c2